Witness at the wedding

The role of a witness at a wedding can not be overemphasized. Perhaps, the witness and the witness in importance are the second actors at this important event after the bride and groom.

Under the law to date, witnesses at the wedding are optional. A few years ago witnesses put their signatures in the book of registrations during the wedding - today this law is canceled. Nevertheless, a rare wedding celebration does without witnesses - this is the tradition of our wedding.

Whom to take as a witness for the wedding?

Witnesses are accepted to take good friends. Since these people help the bride and groom in preparation for the wedding, they must be reliable. Also, it is often possible to meet a brother or other relative as a witness at a wedding. According to the rules, the witness at the wedding should not be married. This also applies to the witness. The age of witnesses at a wedding can be anything. The main thing is that these people are cheerful and easy to climb.

What does the witness do at the wedding?

"How to behave to a witness at a wedding and what is his role?" - these questions are of interest to everyone who will be a witness for the first time. The main duties of the witness at the wedding are:

  1. The work of a witness begins long before the wedding. First of all, the future witness helps the groom to hold a stag party before the wedding.
  2. The witness helps with preparation for the solemn event. Together with the groom he goes shopping, attends meetings with a photographer, cameraman, toastmaster and other characters.
  3. The witness at the wedding helps the bridegroom with the bride's ransom. He has to bargain with the bridesmaids and go through various obstacles, so that the bride and groom finally meet.
  4. The witness at the wedding should check whether rings, wedding glasses, dishes, gifts for competitions and other things that are needed on this holiday are not forgotten.
  5. The witness at the wedding must have money with small bills. Small money will be needed in the registry office, during the trip to memorable places, and during the wedding banquet. Therefore, it is better to take care of the money in advance.
  6. The witness at the wedding should be active. One of the first he has to say a toast to the newlyweds. The role of the witness at the wedding involves participation in almost all competitions.
  7. The witness at the wedding should not get drunk. The excessive amount of alcohol, as a rule, prevents the witness from coping with his role in full. And since the witness is in the center of attention during the celebration, his drunken appearance will be noticed by all.

How to dress as a witness at a wedding?

The question "What to wear to a witness for a wedding?" Is one of the most difficult. This is due to the fact that the clothes of the witness at the wedding should be festive and, at the same time, comfortable. Because the contests in which the witness will participate can be the most unpredictable. A smart shirt and trousers are considered the best option. Also, a witness at a wedding can wear a suit with a jacket and tie.

A good mood and lack of fear and embarrassment in front of a large number of people - this is what a witness needs for a wedding. Also, you should stock up a couple of toasts and unusual congratulations. Then this holiday will be fun and memorable for many years.