Wedding in the Venetian style

Venice is considered to be one of the most romantic places in the world. Narrow water canals, surrounded by stunning beauty memorials of medieval architecture, are adored by many couples, but not everyone can afford to celebrate the most important event in their life in Venice. The way out of this situation is - a wedding in the Venetian style. Such an event will immerse you and your guests in the world of Italian luxury, create an atmosphere of fun and joy. Arrange a real carnival at the wedding!

Wedding in the style of the Venetian Carnival

Being engaged in the organization, it is necessary to think over a number of the moments, since invitations and finishing with a place of carrying out. Invitations to the celebration can be made in the form of a postcard depicting everyone's favorite Venice, but to make people understand that it's a carnival, it is better to make them in the form of carnival masks decorated with strings, stones, all kinds of assemblies.

At the Venetian wedding, the images should also be adequately maintained. The bride should choose the dress of A-cut, the most similar to those that were accepted to wear back in the 18th century. The groom can be dressed in a bright tuxedo or white coat. At the Venetian wedding carnival couple can rent a carnival costumes. We recommend that guests be warned about the style of the celebration so that they also try to follow the dress code. Excellent complement any image mask. Girls can wear fluffy dresses with corsets. To comply with the dress code, it is enough for men to put bright shawls around their necks and tie their sashes to the waistband.

Wedding in the style of the Venetian Carnival

Also it is necessary to take care of the design of the banquet hall. Well, if the menu will be present dishes of Italian cuisine, and in the decoration - various additions in the form of masks, feathers and other elements that say that this is a wedding in the style of "Venice".