Feeling of embryo implantation

The moment of conceiving a child is one of the greatest mysteries of nature. Alas, not every woman can boast that she noticed and remembered the sensations when implanting an embryo. You can listen indefinitely and carefully to the internal state, expect any click or other signal announcing the completion of the attachment process. It is this concentration that completely distracts the future mother from completely earthly and understandable signs.

Can I feel the embryo implantation?

Only an extremely attentive and sensitive person can do this. After all, the process of attaching the embryo to the walls of the uterus is almost painless. Indirect signs are very weak and can not be seen against the background of the general state of the female body. Another thing is if there is a maintenance of the temperature schedule in the planning of pregnancy, by the changes of which it is possible to calculate the day of implantation.

When is the embryo implanted?

Approximately on the 6-10th day after fertilization, the embryo has a complete set of very tenacious villi, allowing to penetrate firmly into the uterine tissues. Surrounded by the mother cells, which protect him from all sides, he, in turn, firmly fuses with them. Now, with confidence, we can talk about the onset of pregnancy. Some may note such feelings during implantation of the embryo as:

What are the sensations when embryo is implanted?

The degree of manifestation of the implantation process varies from pronounced to almost, or completely, invisible. Frequent presence of such symptoms as:

Sensations after embryo implantation

Often it can be noted a slight swelling and tingling in the chest, as well as in the lower abdomen. The successful implantation of the embryo can still be judged by feeling a slight tingling inside of itself, which is the result of micro-inflammation at the attachment site.

What are the discharges when embryo is implanted?

It happens that the future mother notes the minimal blood discharge of a brownish color. This is due to the onset of implantation bleeding, which arose as a result of a violation of the integrity of the vessels of the uterine wall.

I want to note that all this is not a standard. Remember that you and your baby are unique, and everything that happens to you is unique and beautiful.