What are the candles used for pregnancy?

When a woman expects the birth of a long-awaited baby, she is prone to worry about the state of her health. Sometimes these disturbances turn out to be completely justified, and the gynecologist considers it necessary to appoint the future mother of the candle to Utrozhestan. Scientific research proves that in many cases it is he who helps to save a pregnancy and significantly alleviate its course. Therefore, we will consider, why the suppositories of Utrozestan are administered during pregnancy, and how to apply them.

The main indications for prescribing the drug

This tool is prescribed by a doctor only if there are serious problems associated with the course of pregnancy. The future mum should know, for which suppositories are necessary Utrozestan at pregnancy.

It is an analog of natural progesterone, which is produced by a female body, made from plant material. First, the hormone produces the yellow body of the ovaries, then the placenta: this substance helps to minimize involuntary contractions of the uterus and promotes the normal development of the fetal egg. Also, progesterone is responsible for the timely onset of labor and the physiological course of labor.

Therefore, the answer to the question, what are the candles of Utrozestan, and for what it is accepted, looks like this:

  1. The drug proved to be very useful when used in the early stages of pregnancy, if a woman was diagnosed with a miscarriage threat. Most often, it manifests itself in the abdominal pain and spotting.
  2. Also, among the indications for the use of suppositories of Utrozestan, an important place is occupied by hormonal disorders associated with insufficient production of progesterone in the body. If the expectant mother did the tests before the pregnancy and knows for sure that her body lacks this hormone, you should inform the treating doctor who will write out his substitute.
  3. The drug must be prescribed for women who have been through the procedure of extracorporeal fertilization, up to the 20th week of pregnancy.

Features of reception of Utrozhestan

Before buying a drug, it's important to be not only aware of why you were assigned Candlestick candles, but also how to use them correctly. This medicine is prescribed only in the first and second trimester. Independently, without consulting a doctor, it can not be taken: only the gynecologist determines the duration of treatment and dosage. In the third trimester, if necessary, it is replaced by Dufaston.

At a risk of miscarriage and the threat of miscarriage, Utrozhestan is prescribed intravaginally 2-3 times a day for 2-4 suppositories until the onset of the 20th week of pregnancy. However, only a doctor can determine the exact dosage based on the patient's condition, so you can not take this medication yourself. It is canceled gradually, every week, reducing the daily dosage by 100 mg. So, if you inserted 1 candle with a substance concentration of 100 mg 3 times a day, reduce the number of receptions up to 2 times a day, and a week later to 1 time per day until complete withdrawal from the drug.

Major contraindications and possible side effects

Use of the drug is not recommended in such cases:

Sometimes taking Utrozhestan leads to the appearance of side effects: weakness, dizziness, nausea, absent-mindedness and drowsiness.