Abundant white discharge during pregnancy

In connection with the change in the hormonal background in the coming pregnancy, there is a change in the nature and amount of vaginal discharge. In norm they are always transparent, uninvited, do not cause inconvenience, discomfort. The change in color, consistency, usually indicates a violation. Let's try to find out: because of what during pregnancy, there are abundant white discharge.

What are the causes of this kind of phenomenon?

It should be noted that with the onset of gestation, there is an increase in mucus produced, some of which is expended on the formation of cork. It closes the cervical canal, prevents the entry of pathogenic microorganisms into the reproductive system.

The color change usually indicates a violation. Abundant white discharge during pregnancy can be a manifestation of thrush. At the same time their consistency thickens, looks like yogurt or cottage cheese. At the same time there are burning, itching, redness in the labia. In this case, the woman needs to see a doctor for the appointment of a course of treatment. Abundant white discharge in the early stages of pregnancy are often noted, and they are associated most often with candidiasis.

Also, white copious discharge during gestation may be a sign:

In those cases when white discharge during gestation gradually change their color, they acquire a yellowish or greenish shade, the likelihood of joining a bacterial infection is high. In this situation, pregnant women are prescribed swabs from the vagina in order to identify the pathogen.

Because of what can be observed abundant white discharge at 38-39 weeks of pregnancy?

Such a symptomatology in later terms can be caused by the escape of the cork. In this case, a woman can mark the appearance of clots of mucus, sometimes with a splotch of blood.

Also at the end of pregnancy with the appearance of abundant discharge it is necessary to exclude the leakage of the amniotic fluid. Only a doctor can do this. Therefore, with a visit to him should not be delayed.