Preparations of iron for pregnant women

One of the most common diseases in pregnancy is anemia. According to WHO, it is detected in about 51% of women preparing to become mothers. There are several kinds of anemia, but when it comes to pregnancy, it means iron deficiency anemia. From the name it becomes clear that the problem is the lack of iron in the blood.

The daily iron norm for a pregnant woman is 20 mg. With food daily, our body absorbs only 2 mg. And when pregnancy increases the body's need for iron, and problems begin.

Symptoms of anemia in pregnancy

The clinical picture of iron deficiency looks something like this:

Anemia during pregnancy is dangerous not only for the future mother, but also for the fetus. After all, with reduced hemoglobin, cells lack oxygen, development without which is simply impossible. Often, such children are born with a delay in mental development and impaired immune and brain activity.

In order to avoid a lack of iron during pregnancy, it is necessary to take care of your nutrition in advance. Include in your diet vegetables (broccoli, beets, carrots), fruits (peaches, apples), red meat and grains rich in iron. But if all the signs of the disease are already on the face, you need to contact a specialist who will prescribe you special iron preparations for pregnant women.

All iron-containing preparations are divided into two types: ionic and non-ionic preparations. Ionic iron preparations for pregnant women are presented in the form of iron salts (gluconate, chloride, iron sulfate). Absorption of such compounds occurs in divalent form. Passing through the gastrointestinal tract, absorbed into the cells of the inner shell of the intestine and then enter the bloodstream. These drugs interact with food and other drugs, so they must be taken separately from food or other drugs. Derivatives of ferrous iron irritate the gastric mucosa, so they can cause nausea, heartburn, exacerbation of chronic stomach or liver diseases. But many modern medicines have been deprived of side effects, while the old ones have been withdrawn from production. But in any case, a pregnant woman should protect herself from unwanted effects of the drug and take all drugs that supply iron for pregnant women only on prescription.

How correctly to take iron preparations during pregnancy?

Form of iron-containing preparations

Most often the drug is prescribed in tablets, syrup or drops. Injections are used extremely rarely because of the possible development of a state of shock, abscesses and problems with blood coagulability. They can be prescribed only in the case of acute intestinal diseases tract (gastric ulcer). In other cases, tablets are prescribed.

Now new drugs have appeared on the pharmacological market, deprived of the negative consequences of their use. Iron in tablets for pregnant women is the most convenient form. They have become much safer and pass constant quality checks.

Treatment of anemia long enough, the level of hemoglobin can recover after about three weeks of admission. And after treatment of the pregnant woman it is necessary during the entire period of pregnancy and lactation, to take vitamins of iron for pregnant women.