Localization of the chorion

Life of a small man before birth inside the mother is provided, above all, a lot of blood vessels, umbilical cord, placenta. He receives a lot of nutrients and oxygen from his mother's blood. The exchange of substances between the mother and the child provides just two vital organs for the fetus - the placenta and the chorion .

Chorion, appearing at the very beginning of pregnancy, develops with the fetus, becoming a nap. By the end of the first trimester, it is transformed into a placenta, with which the child is attached to the wall of the uterus. Much attention is paid to the location of the chorion.

What is the predominant localization of the chorion?

The diligence of the chorion can be on the front, back top, or one of the side walls. The localization of the chorion on the upper wall (the bottom of the uterus) is also considered the norm.

If the fetus is attached to the lower wall of the uterus, then they say that the chorion is low along the front wall (2-3 cm from the uterus to the cervix). This arrangement of the chorion along the front wall is diagnosed in more than 6% of pregnant women. The revealed location of fixation of the chorion is not final, tk. in most cases, the chorion migrates from a low position to a higher position, which helps to avoid problems associated with the localization of the chorion into the region of the internal pharynx.

What dangers are associated with low presentation of the placenta or chorion?

This limiting increases the risk of miscarriage, and can also cause severe bleeding, both during pregnancy and during labor. It is also an indication for caesarean section and even for the complete removal of the uterus after delivery. Normal births are possible only when the placenta is located no closer than 2 cm to the exit.

Summarizing our article, we will point out that a woman should not be frightened of the peculiarities of the localization of the chorion, the main thing is to pay attention in time to the possibility of low presentation on the last terms and to comply with the prescription of the doctor.