Pepper - seedlings, cultivation and care, features of planting

Bulgarian pepper, sprouts, growing and caring for it has a number of features, ignorance of which will lead to coarsening of the stem and a decrease in yield. Well-developed, powerful seedlings can be obtained only with rational irrigation and a balanced average daily temperature, an important aspect is the observance of all agrotechnical requirements.

Planting pepper on seedlings

Cultivation of pepper seedlings begins with the preparation of suitable soil, the balanced composition includes:

After mixing, the soil mixture is disinfected (by freezing, steaming or calcining). Then a fungicide should be used to create the necessary microflora and destroy the fungal pathogen. In a pot washed in a solution of potassium permanganate, pour the soil mixture and place the seeds with the tweezers. Top with a soil mixture of 1 to 1.5 cm, compacting it, pour. On top of the container, place polyethylene or a glass plate, creating the effect of a mini-plate.

Seeds for seedlings are prepared as follows:

When to plant pepper on seedlings?

Seedling of pepper is sown in a time, directly depending on the selected varieties, knowing their main characteristics, planting seeds produce:

The best time for growing seedlings, most gardeners are considered mid-February, but given that the light day this month is still small, will have to highlight the seedlings with the help of lamps . Seed-filled containers are more rational to locate on southern windows, so that the first rays of the sun pamper the shoots, this will accelerate their growth. In early March, you can expect the appearance of the first leaves, that is, by the beginning of the transfer of plants to open areas, they will grow and grow stronger.

Bulgarian pepper - care of seedlings

Vegetable pepper vegetable, growing seedlings and caring for it requires strict implementation of the rules of agricultural technology, plant seeds should not be dense, leaving 3-4 cm between future plants, avoiding picking, pepper does not like it. When the seedlings have sprouted, you need to remove the shelter and then adhere to the necessary agro-practices to care for pepper seedlings:

Peppers - watering seedlings

Seedlings of peppers at home should be moderately watered, without significant accumulation of moisture, otherwise the roots will rot and the plants will die. Water for irrigation is recommended warm, + 25-30 ° C, otherwise the plants will be frail and may die. Immediately water the seedlings two or three times in 5-7 days, when the seedling will release the leaflets - every day. To prevent fungal diseases in water (twice a month), you can add a solution of biofinguacid (trichoderma, planaris).

How to feed pepper seedlings?

Planting seeds with pepper, sprouts, growing and caring for it are, along with other aspects, in a two-time feeding:

Adding pepper seedlings is much more effective in the form of liquid solutions, use for this purpose ready-made special compounds purchased in stores. After applying the fertilizing, abundantly pour the soil. As a vegetable fertilizer, you can apply the tincture of nettle, preparing it in the ratio: one part of nettle for ten parts of water, the infusion time - two days.

Planting of pepper seedlings

Transplanted pepper seedling in the open ground after careful preparation of the site. In the autumn, add minerals and organic substances to the proposed planting site as fertilizing, in the spring - ammonium nitrate. Transplant carefully, without breaking the clod of earth around the root, this will exclude his injury. Dip vertically the seedlings in the holes, sprinkle the earth, pour the soil around slightly and pour. Distance between the plants leave at least 25-30 cm, different varieties planted at a certain distance, it is better to a bed in height of 25-30 cm.