Juniper - planting and care

Juniper is a distant relative of fir and pine. It is so unique that only by its presence it has a curative effect - it is only to breathe in its coniferous aroma, how the mood improves. He makes sleep more strong, relieves headaches. But not only that! The substances released by it kill pathogenic microbes and purify the air.

Juniper - description of the plant

Juniper is an evergreen tree or shrub from the family of cypress trees. Depending on the species, it grows from half a meter to 20 meters, and its branches can have straight spines or scaly needles.

In appearance, it can be either a spreading shrub with flexible twigs, like a carpet covering the ground around itself, or a tree with a lush cone-shaped or pyramidal crown.

The juniper has same-sex flowers. Women look like round greenish knobs, and men look like earrings with 3-4 stamens. Its flowering occurs in June, fruiting - in August-September.

Juniper - care and cultivation

Planting and caring for juniper of different species - both for globular, and for common, and for others, is almost identical. The most popular varieties are ordinary, spherical, Caucasian, Daurian. Consider the rules of planting and care on the example of ordinary juniper.

Juniper is common - planting and care

The plant is quite winter-hardy and does not need shelter, however, sun rays at the end of winter, leaving burns, are a danger. To cover juniper from them is better sackcloth or other similar matter. It is also desirable to remove snow and ice from the branches. High plants are recommended to tie with twine to prevent breakage.

You can plant an ordinary juniper in any soil - in this matter it is not exacting. Plant it better in the spring. For them, choose sunny places, because in the shade they grow formless and loose.

A pit must be prepared in advance. Its depth should be twice as large as the earth coma on the root system. For large shrubs, the pit is excavated approximately 70 cm deep.

At the bottom of this pit, there must necessarily be a 15-20 centimeter drainage layer of sand and broken bricks. When the plant is established, its roots are sprinkled with a soil mixture consisting of turf ground, peat and sand in a ratio of 1: 2: 1. If the plant is large, it is planted so that the root neck is 10 cm above the edges of the planting pit. In young plants, it must be level with the ground.

If planting occurs with an open root system, they should be treated with "Kornevin" or any other rooting stimulant.

Fertilizer under the juniper is better to make in the spring, when there is a rapid growth. As a feeding is suitable nitroammophoska, enough 30-40 grams for each bush. Autumn to fertilize juniper is not recommended, since young shoots, provoked by feeding, may die in winter.

Ordinary juniper does not tolerate a hot, dry summer, so it takes a lot of watering in the heat. Young plants need more frequent watering.

Growing juniper in the garden

If you plan a juniper as a hedge or to zoning the site, then note that it grows slowly. Nevertheless, the distance between the trees should be between 0.7 and 1.5 meters.

Bushes of juniper do not need to be planted under other trees, especially under fruit trees, as they can become a source of fungal parasites, because of what the needles will fall and will have to be treated with special preparations.

A wonderful resin smell, spreading from all parts of the juniper, its fruits and needles known in folk medicine, wood for all kinds of products - it's just a storehouse for health and appeasement.