Baked dumplings

Many even like pelmeni, but you will agree, simple boiled ones are already pretty bored, and if it is not so, then they are perceived as everyday life. So, for a change, it's worth trying dumplings baked, especially since a variety of recipes can be quite enough for a small culinary pamphlet.

Recipe for baked dumplings in a pot with mushrooms



The worst thing in dumplings is that you want delicious, and you only need to do delicious ones yourself. So, of course it is desirable to use homemade dumplings .

The recipe is designed for two pots, although of course they are all different. For starters, you need to cook vegetable broth, you can make it simple from carrots and onions, and you can also reserve for other dishes, adding roots such as parsnip and celery. But in our case, clean and cut the carrots in half, do not completely clean the two bulbs, leaving the dense hides and cut them in half. Put these vegetables in cold water and cut from the moment of boiling exactly for half an hour, then add parsley, salt and peppers peas, leaving to cook for another as much. Before use, do not forget to strain the broth, and cooked vegetables can be safely thrown out, they have already done their job.

Cut another onion into quarter rings and fry in oil, then attach to it washed and chopped mushrooms and a little more fry.

In the bottom of the pot, place the last onion cut with semicircles, but do not lay everything, you still need the onion. After that, put half the ravioli, lay on them fried mushrooms with onions, well, on top of sour cream mixed with chopped dill, and after that, repeat all the previously done, then do not forget to pour on 2/3 of filtered broth.

Now you can send the pots to the oven, heated to 180 degrees, and after half an hour, remove the covers from them and let the dumplings bake.

Dumplings, baked in the oven in sour cream and cheese



Peel and cut the onions into semi-rings, then lightly fry it in butter, do not fry until brown. Sour cream mixed with toasted onion, with spices, salt and shredded herbs, by the way, be careful with salt if the cheese you bought is quite salty. In the form intended for baking, put pelmeni in one layer, and on top a mixture of onion, sour cream and spices. All this, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake for half an hour at a temperature of 180-200 degrees.