Giardiasis in adults - symptoms and treatment

This disease causes microscopic pathogens - lamblia. Although the symptoms of giardiasis in adults and are rare, the treatment of the disease is known to specialists very well. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in infants. All because the main cause of infection - non-compliance with personal hygiene. And these children sin more often experienced adults.

The main symptoms of giardiasis in adults

Giardia in large numbers cause functional disorders of the intestine. After entering the body, the parasites are securely attached to the mucosa. For a long time they may not manifest themselves in any way. At this moment a person is simply the carrier of infection. But as soon as favorable conditions are created, microorganisms begin to multiply actively.

To lambliasis in adults has not taken a chronic form, you need to know the main symptoms of the disease. These include:

As a rule, all these signs of the disease are manifested implicitly. Therefore, most patients simply do not pay attention to them and start ailment.

Effective drugs for the treatment of giardiasis in adults

For each patient, a set of medications is selected individually. The choice depends on various factors: the general health of the patient, the degree of development of the disease and others.

Of course, the basis of treatment are drugs that directly affect the parasites and destroy them.

A very famous drug Metronidazole is effective not only in the fight against Giardia, but also with other pathogens. Such as Helicobacter pylori, for example.

Many experts advocate the treatment of giardiasis in adults with Nemozol. The medicine is really good enough. But it is advisable to apply it only in cases when, in addition to lamblias, other parasites have been detected in the body.

Whenever atopic dermatosis is found, Tiberal or, as it is also called, Ornidazole, is the best aid.

There are other medicines used to treat giardiasis in adults. Among them:

The dosage of drugs is also selected for each patient individually. Often, a single dose of a modern remedy is sufficient to destroy parasites. Individual preparations should be drunk at least five days or a week. And in some cases, and at all, the repeated passage of the treatment course is required.

Whether it is necessary to observe a diet at treatment of a lambliasis at adults?

Since the disease affects the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, for a speedy treatment of its diet, the excess will certainly not. For the period of recovery it is recommended to limit the intake of refined carbohydrates and excessive amounts of fiber. Beetroot, carrot and birch juices help to destroy parasites. If possible, during the treatment should take a tincture on walnuts. And to support the body, experts recommend taking enzyme preparations, probiotics, sorbents, antihistamines: