Viral conjunctivitis - treatment

When a human body strikes a virus, pathogenic cells are implanted in all of its systems. Often, the visual organs suffer, the mucous membrane of the eyelid surface and the sclera become inflamed. In such cases, viral conjunctivitis is diagnosed - treatment is performed in accordance with the alleged pathogen of the disease, as well as its form and nature (localized, systemic).

Treatment of acute viral conjunctivitis in adults

If the disease in question is a consequence of a systemic viral pathology, for example, influenza, its therapy is reduced to fighting the underlying ailment. After curing the root cause of inflammation, the mucous membranes are also normalized. To facilitate the symptoms of conjunctivitis in this case, washing eyes with strong tea, instillation of anti-inflammatory solutions is used.

Isolated or localized disease is usually provoked by two pathogens - adenovirus and herpes.

For the treatment of both types of viral conjunctivitis, Albucid drops are prescribed. They are a universal tool that allows you to quickly stop the symptoms of the pathology, remove irritation, swelling and redness.

In the adenoviral form of the disease, ophthalmologists recommend burying solutions containing human interferon. They produce a pronounced immunomodulating and anti-inflammatory effect, besides, they have a harmful effect on the cells of the virus.

Good drops:

Often, only solutions are not enough, therefore the therapeutic scheme is supplemented with ointments with similar properties:

In advanced cases of conjunctivitis, bacterial infection may occur. Then it is advisable to include in the complex of measures the laying of antimicrobial local preparations - erythromycin, tetracycline ointment.

Treatment of herpetic viral conjunctivitis at home

Herpes virus does not respond to therapy in a standard scheme using human interferon. To deactivate it, special anti-herpetic local medicines in the form of ointments are required:

Additionally, an ophthalmologist can prescribe a systemic reception of similar remedies:

In the presence of secondary bacterial infection, it is recommended to instill eyes with antimicrobial solutions, for example, Tobrex .