Clinical blood test - transcript

The best way to assess the state of human health, to identify various diseases in the early stages, is a laboratory blood test. This biological fluid fully reflects the functioning of the body and the presence of pathological processes. It is important to be able to read a clinical blood test - the transcript should correspond to age and sex, in women, for some indicators, the day of the menstrual cycle is specified.

Decoding and norms of the general clinical analysis of blood

To begin with, consider the non-expanded version of the described laboratory study, which includes such basic points:

  1. Hemoglobin, HB. It is a red pigment of erythrocytes, responsible for the transportation of oxygen and spent carbon dioxide.
  2. Erythrocytes, RBC - are designed to support the processes of normal biological oxidation in the body.
  3. CPU (color indicator), MCHC. Reflects the red pigment content in erythrocytes.
  4. Reticulocytes, RTC. Cells that are produced in the bone marrow. Are not ripened erythrocytes.
  5. Platelets, PLT - are necessary for normal blood clotting processes.
  6. Leukocytes, WBC. They are white blood cells, responsible for identifying and blocking pathogenic microorganisms. The percentage of stab and segmented white blood cells is separately indicated.
  7. Lymphocytes, LYM. The main cells of immunity, which prevent the defeat of viruses.
  8. Eosinophils, EOS. Designed to combat allergic reactions , parasitic invasions.
  9. Basophiles, BAS. Responsible for all hypersensitivity reactions and histamine release.
  10. Monocytes (tissue macrophages), MON - destroy the remains of hostile cells, residual inflammation, dead tissue.
  11. Hematocrit, HTC. Reflects the ratio of the number of erythrocytes to the total volume of plasma.

Also, when deciphering a clinical blood test, ESR (ESR) or erythrocyte sedimentation rate is counted. This value is a nonspecific indicator of inflammatory processes and other disease states of the body. In addition, changes in the level of ESR can be an early way to determine the presence of pregnancy.

During the decoding of the clinical blood test, the results for each indicator are important in comparison with the generally accepted norms:

Decoding of the expanded clinical blood test

At the expanded research the analysis of additional erythrocyte, platelet and leukocyte indices is made. The most important are:

The following indicators are also calculated:

There are other specific indices that can be included in the detailed blood test, there are a total of 25 of them, but the physician should confirm the expediency and necessity of their determination.

It should be noted that even with proper independent interpretation of the results, one should not try to make a diagnosis without consulting a doctor.