Removal of the gallbladder - modern methods of cholecystectomy, indications and consequences

The gallbladder is an important part of the digestive system. He accumulates bile for digestion of food, protects the body from the irritating effect of this substance and displays an excessive amount of it. Some diseases of the gallbladder can lead to a violation of the functionality of this organ, as a result of which the organ must be removed.

When is it necessary to remove the gallbladder?

A direct indication for getting rid of the gall bladder is the formation of stones. When a cholecystectomy is prescribed, the indication of which will be given below, this means that the organ has been disrupted, it has ceased to perform its functions. Whether operation is necessary in the presence of stones, to solve the doctor in each individual case, but with such a disease, surgeons tend to remove the organ. Crushing and trying to remove stones do not lead to the desired results, because the gall bladder forms new concretions in a short time.

Removal with the operation of the gallbladder is indicated in the following cases:

Methods for removing the gallbladder

Removal of the gallbladder refers to common surgical interventions. Describing what is cholecystectomy, the types and consequences of surgery, surgeons pay attention to the patient that its effectiveness depends on the skill of the surgeon, the general health of the patient and his behavior in the postoperative period. There are three types of cholecystectomy:

Laparoscopic cholecystectomy

If it is necessary to remove the gallbladder, laparoscopy is the best option. Laparoscopy, in comparison with other types of cholecystectomy, has minimal contraindications, weak trauma, the least consequences and the period of recovery. Laparoscopy is not performed in the presence of inflammation, adhesions and some physiological features.

Laparoscopic surgery is performed using a laparascopic device. It allows you to display the image of internal organs. The operation begins with several punctures of the abdominal wall, where manipulators and a camera are inserted. With the introduction of carbon dioxide into the cavity, raise the abdominal wall and improve the approach to the gall bladder. The organ is first detached from the liver, then removed through a puncture.

Open cholecystectomy

This operation to remove the bile helps to gain wider access to the abdominal cavity for performing the necessary associated manipulations: operating adjacent organs, probing the bile ducts, performing ultrasound or cholangiography. For this, a cut along Kocher is made on the anterior abdominal wall. Open cholecystectomy has such disadvantages:

Life after removal of the gallbladder

After the operation, it takes about 4 months to adapt to the changed conditions of life. The greatest load in this period is the bile ducts and liver, which must compensate for the absence of the organ. In this period it is important to adhere to a diet, not to engage in self-medication. Accepted medical preparations should be appointed by the doctor in view of absence of a cholic bubble.

After the operation to remove the gallbladder, for some time the patient will experience problems with a stool, which will recover as the body adapts. After 4-6 months a person can lead a familiar life, but at the same time he will have to adhere to dietary habits until the end of his days. Deviation from the diet will lead to unpleasant sensations in the digestive tract, problems with the stool, pain in the epigastric region.

Removal of the biliary - postoperative period

Operation cholecystectomy refers to simple surgical interventions. After removal of the gallbladder, the patient is kept in the intensive care unit for several hours under the supervision of the medical staff. After 5 hours, the patient is offered to climb gently, and after 6-7 hours you can eat a little. The next day the patient needs to start moving a little. After a couple of days, the patient is removed from the drainage, and, in the absence of complications, is discharged on the third day. All this time and the next 3 months the patient is on a dietary diet.

Treatment after removal of the gallbladder

Medication after removal of the gallbladder is minimized. In the early days, doctors can prescribe pain medication if the patient experiences severe pain. With spasm of the biliary tract, spasmolytics can be temporarily prescribed. To improve the properties of bile, drugs with ursodeoxycholic acid are used:

Eating after removal of the gallbladder

Proper nutrition after removal of the gallbladder affects the duration of the recovery period and improves the patient's well-being. Patients who are left without a gallbladder need to know what can be eaten after removing the gallbladder, and eat fractional 6 times a day. This will stimulate the formation of bile and prevent stagnant processes. Half an hour before meals, it is important to drink a glass of water, and for the whole day it is useful to drink at least 2 liters of clean water.

The food should be warm, so as not to irritate the digestive system. The diet after removing the gallstone more indicates that you can not eat. The menu after removal of the gallbladder should be balanced and contain a minimum number of such products:

The daily ration can consist of such dishes:

  1. Breakfast: albumen omelet, milk on milk, tea.
  2. The second breakfast: a portion of cottage cheese, a broth of a dogrose.
  3. Lunch: cream soup with the addition of cereals, a piece of boiled chicken or veal, carrot puree, fruit jelly.
  4. Snack: baked apple, with cottage cheese and honey.
  5. Dinner: liquid porridge, mashed potatoes, boiled fish, tea.
  6. Last meal: fruit jelly, kefir.

Removal of the gallbladder - consequences

Whichever way an operation is performed, the body in any case experiences stress and needs time to rebuild the physiological process. If the patient was made cholecystectomy, complications will be pronounced in the initial postoperative period. The patient will feel sharp and aching pain, heartburn, heaviness in the stomach, he will have problems with the stool. Gradually, these feelings will decrease.

Deteriorating recovery may be associated with gastrointestinal tract:

On the problems after the operation to remove the gallbladder and the need for urgent medical care indicate such symptoms: