Intestinal obstruction - symptoms

Acute and chronic intestinal obstruction is quite often disturbed by the modern population of the planet. The reason for this are poor ecology, a variety of diseases that give complications, poor-quality food, as well as fashion slimming. Only a small part of patients with intestinal obstruction earned it because of trauma. Symptoms of acute and chronic intestinal obstruction vary, but at the same time have some similarity in the different types and trends of this disease.

The main symptoms of intestinal obstruction in adults

Common symptoms include:

Val's symptom with intestinal obstruction

The symptom Valya meets most often in people with this problem. In this case, bloating is observed, which makes it asymmetric. Bloating can be seen by eye and determined by palpation.

Symptom of a hose with intestinal obstruction

The symptom of the hose is the peristalsis of the intestines visible to the naked eye, i. their reduction to the similarity of the movement of waves. This can also be determined by palpation, in which the peristalsis is strengthened.

Babuk's Symptom

To detect a symptom, the patient is given an enema . If there is no blood in the washing water, palpation of the abdomen is performed for 5 minutes. When intussusception of the intestine after the second enema, water often flows with an admixture of blood.

Symptom Sklyarov with intestinal obstruction

Sklyarov's symptom can be heard with a stethoscope. In this case, it is possible to distinguish the noise of a splash of water, which is determined above the intestinal loops.

Symptom of Spasokukotsky-Williams with intestinal obstruction

This symptom is characterized by the sound of a falling drop when listening in the lower abdomen.

Symptom of Bailey with intestinal obstruction

Symptom Bailey is a clear listening with a stethoscope rhythm of heart beats in the lower abdomen.

Symptoms of partial intestinal obstruction

Partial or chronic intestinal obstruction is manifested by stable sharp cramping pains, which can appear several hours after eating. Pain usually occurs in the lower abdomen. Also, patients complain of periodic vomiting and exhaustion of the body, and the emptying of the intestine does not occur for a long time because of regular constipation. Rare diarrhea can often occur, which takes away all the strength from the patient. In principle, these same symptoms are observed with an acute form of intestinal obstruction.

At late stages of the disease, there may be vomiting (with the smell of stool), which indicates a severe disruption of intestinal motility. In this case, peritonitis can be added, then vomiting persists the patient almost continuously, and the patient does not get better, but there are more and more urges to vomiting. Depletion and dehydration of the body in this case comes in a few hours. In this situation, you need to immediately call an ambulance.

Clinical symptoms of chronic intestinal obstruction are changes in the intestine in the form of blisters. When percussion (ie tapping), tympanites are heard (sounds similar to a drum kick).

As a preventive measure of intestinal obstruction, one can independently probe the abdomen for neoplasm, monitor the frequency and type of stool, as well as the right diet, without eating or starving for a long time.