Deforming spondylarthrosis

The ailment, as a rule, becomes obvious already in the elderly, because aging of the organism is the cause of wear. Degenerative processes in the spine are caused by a worsening of the ligamentous function of the facet joints. However, in addition, the deforming spondyloatrosis affects the adjacent muscles, ligaments and joints, which leads to the occurrence of severe pain. In the absence of treatment, to return the spine to its original position becomes increasingly difficult, which ultimately leads to complete immobility and disability.

Symptoms of deforming spondylarthrosis

Symptoms of the disease differ in intensity and are always pronounced. However, they can manifest themselves in different ways, depending on the affected area and the neglect of the pathology.

Deforming spondylarthrosis, extending to the cervical spine, is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Pain in the neck, which is dull and aching in nature, and it arises periodically or is constantly present.
  2. The appearance of difficulties in the movement of the neck. This symptom develops gradually, but at first it manifests itself in the neck in the morning, which passes by the middle of the day.
  3. It is easy to recognize the place of pain localization.
  4. In the future, these signs accompany the patient constantly, make his life difficult, cause him to wake up in pain.
  5. As the disease develops, dizziness, visual impairment, noise in the ears , a sensation of creepy and numbness in the shoulders.

Symptoms of deforming spondylarthrosis, developed in the thoracic spine, include the following:

  1. The pain localized just above the scapula, which is especially intense from morning to mid-day, subsides, especially for people with a sedentary lifestyle.
  2. Stiffness of the body when trying to make turns with the torso.
  3. Difficulty breathing, squeezing the chest.

Treatment of deforming spondylarthrosis

The main condition for a successful fight against pathology is timely access to a doctor. The patient is prescribed such medicines:

Importance is given to physiotherapy, which includes: