Angiography of vessels

Conventional radiographic examinations do not allow the examination of arteries, lymph nodes and veins, since they have the same absorbing abilities with respect to radiation as surrounding surrounding tissues. For their careful consideration, a special procedure is used with the use of contrast agents - angiography of the vessels. This technique provides early diagnosis of even the initial stages of various pathologies of veins and arteries.

What is the angiography of the vessels of the neck, and how is this procedure performed?

This type of study is designed to detect atherosclerotic lesions of the carotid arteries. They are located on the neck, so angiography is conducted in this area.


  1. Treatment of the site of catheterization with an antiseptic and local anesthetic.
  2. Puncture of the vessel.
  3. Introduction of the introducer (plastic tube).
  4. Catheter installation.
  5. Introduction of radiopaque solution in the artery.
  6. High-speed X-ray survey of the site specified in the program with the vessels being examined.
  7. Extraction of the catheter and introducer.
  8. Apply a pressure bandage to the site of the puncture of the artery.

It is worth noting that the sequence of actions described above is the same for the study of all organs. Only the zones of insertion of the catheter can differ.

Features of angiography of the vessels of the kidneys

In most cases, for examining large vascular systems, an X-ray contrast substance is injected into the femoral aorta (transfemoral). But in the study of the kidneys, another way of entering the solution is possible: transluminal. It involves the insertion of a catheter into the abdominal aorta.

Similarly, angiography of the vessels of the abdominal cavity is done. The introduction of the catheter translumally ensures a more rapid distribution of the X-ray contrast solution in the study zone than in the transfemoral pathway.

How is cardiovascular angiography performed?

This type of coronary examination (coronography), as a rule, is performed with the injection of contrast material into the femoral aorta. In rare cases, a large vessel on the left arm is selected.

Angiography can also be done for research: