Parkinson's disease - causes

It is very important for a person that his nervous system works continuously and correctly. After all, it is responsible for all body movements and internal reactions in the body. With age, the body grows old and some of its systems can fail. Along with old age, some people with age come with diseases, such as Parkinson's disease.

The first and subsequent signs of Parkinson's disease

Parkinsonism is quite common in people older than 55 years. However, 10% of patients feel the first symptoms still about forty, and sometimes they themselves do not suspect it. Signs of Parkinson's disease in the early stages of the disease can manifest as a mild tremor or slowed down movements and reactions. This can easily be attributed to fatigue , lack of sleep, stress and the like, because often a person does not pay attention to it. However, over the years, the disease progresses, and symptoms such as:

Stages and forms of Parkinson's disease

Parkinson's disease has different stages of development, each of which has its own characteristics. Each stage corresponds to a list of forms of Parkinson's disease and the frequency with which they occur. The classification of Parkinsonism and signs of its forms is given in the table:

Causes of Parkinson's Disease

Among the causes of the disease, researchers distinguish the following:

  1. Aging . With age, fewer neurons become in the human body, which negatively affects the work of the nervous system.
  2. Heredity . Parkinson's disease is often inherited. The genetic predisposition to disease in combination with old age certainly shows itself.
  3. The impact of the environment , in particular toxins contained in pesticides and herbicides, and other harmful substances. Therefore, people who live in rural areas or near industrial zones are more often ill.
  4. Postponed severe injuries , especially brain injuries.
  5. Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels . This is an extremely unpleasant disease, which leads to the gradual death of nerve cells.
  6. Viral infections . Some viral infections lead to the development of postencephalitic parkinsonism.

Treatment of Parkinsonism

You need to know that Parkinson's disease can not be cured, but can only be stopped. With acute and rapid flow, the disease can even lead to death. Therefore, it is not worth delaying with its diagnosis and treatment.

Against the disease, there is a remedy that slows its progress. The drug levodopa (or levodopa) is quite effective, but it also has side effects.

Surgical cure is unlikely. This method consists in transplanting healthy cells into the place of dead cells. Such an operation is practically impossible today, not to mention its danger.

Prevention of Parkinson's Disease

It's no secret that a healthy lifestyle excludes or minimizes the possibility of many diseases. Proper regular nutrition and a diet rich in fruits, especially citrus fruits, vegetables and berries, helps to resist and is a good prevention of Parkinson's disease. And, of course, it is extremely important to seek medical help or, at least, a doctor's advice when manifesting the first possible symptoms.