Measles in adults

Measles is associated with childhood illnesses, but this disease is common among adults. Its culprit is an acute viral infection, that is, you can get sick after talking to someone who is already sick with measles. Rescue from such trouble, however, can be vaccinated.

Symptoms of measles in adults

Once the incubation period has ended, and it can last from 1 to 4 weeks depending on the immunity, the disease manifests itself sharply. First, there is malaise, lymph nodes increase, high fever rises , the head starts to ache, and the patient only dreams of a quiet sleep. In addition, often to all the rest is added a plentiful coryza, dry cough, purulent conjunctivitis may appear. Some signs of infection in adults are not seen as clearly as the symptoms of measles in children , for example, there is no infant puffiness and gullet granularity. But even without this, the patient has a hard time.

In this condition, a sick person stays for 4-5 days, after which his condition improves, but not for long. After 1-2 days, a high temperature and spots on the inside of the cheek, similar to adhering semolina porridge, again appear. These first and most important signs of measles in adults can persist until recovery.

As further manifestations of measles in adults, probably everyone knows - there are eruptions behind the ears, on the head, neck, which every day more and more conquer the territory of the patient's body. During this period, all the symptoms of measles become worse.

After all that has been transferred, the patient gladly accepts a period of pigmentation, when the condition is normalized, and many signs of the disease disappear. Eruptions disappear within a week.

Prophylaxis of measles in adults

Unequivocally, the most important way of prevention is vaccination. Vaccination of adults against measles is necessary, but it is better if the vaccine is made in childhood - at 1 year, and at 6 years. But if this procedure is not carried out on time, there is no reason for the disorder. Vaccination of measles in adults is also carried out in two stages with a break of three months. The vaccine for this disease is administered along with the vaccine against mumps, rubella and chicken pox. Protect yourself from the disease at any age and every sensible person should understand the importance of this event. In order to nurse, you just need to contact your local doctor who will give directions and recommendations.

Treatment of measles in adults

If the disease does not develop into a complex form, then it is treated at home. Indicated bed rest, consumption of large amounts of liquid, intake of vitamin A, careful care of the eyes and nose. Antibiotics are prescribed only in severe cases, the rest are symptomatic and antihistamines. Measles can cause complications, so treatment should not be delayed.

But it is better to avoid the disease, tk. it is capable of giving complications. Especially it is characteristic for measles in adults. The disease in some cases leads to loss of hearing, vision, kidney and liver damage, pneumonia, encephalitis. Measles of pregnant women leads to the loss of the fetus. Annually, many deaths are recorded, but these are mostly neglected diseases or occur in a very complicated form against the background of weakened immunity.

After the transfer of the disease, memory remains for life and the most important thing is that life-long immunity is produced.

Doctors are advised not to take risks, monitor their health, develop immunity, make vaccinations on time, and if they become ill, call the doctor immediately for help and in no case do self-medication.