Spray from the cold

Coryza - a problem everyone knows. Especially in the autumn-spring period, when all the viruses are activated, and because of the constant changes in the weather, you regularly make out with a suitable outfit. An importunate sneezing and runny nose can lead to desperation even the most persistent. Fortunately, you can cure a runny nose pretty quickly. Excellent means - sprays from the common cold. Of course, there are folk methods, natural and harmless. But often spraying your nose with a spray is much easier and faster, especially if you have to work during illness.

The effectiveness of sprays from the common cold

There are a lot of medicines to treat a cold. And drops, and ointments, and tablets are effective. But still sprays are in much greater demand. That, however, is not surprising, considering how many advantages this form of medicine has:

  1. Nasal sprays are consumed more economically. At just one time, the optimal amount of the drug is sprayed.
  2. The medicine is sprayed and falls on all parts of the mucosa. And accordingly, and the treatment will be more effective.
  3. In the end, sprays are much more convenient to use than drops.

All sprays from the common cold can be divided into two groups:

  1. Funds based on decongestant. Such sprays are very effective, but they can be used no longer than three days. Otherwise, they cause withdrawal syndrome. That is, after you stop using the spray, the runny nose will return, and will become even stronger.
  2. There are also sprays based on sea water. They are as effective as the representatives of the first group, but they remain completely harmless.

What kind of spray from the cold is better?

The assortment of sprays today is so great that any person can choose a suitable medicine for themselves. The principle of their operation is the same in most cases, although there are also special anti-allergic and anti-viral sprays.

The list of the most effective sprays from the common cold is as follows:

  1. Famous Vodonas is suitable for adults and children alike. The effect of using this spray is felt after a few seconds. The action of Knossos can last up to ten hours.
  2. Pinosol - a spray, which contains essential oils. Acts gently, quickly removes inflammation.
  3. Sinuporte is a natural remedy that is made on the basis of cyclamen. Very often this spray is prescribed for the treatment of sinusitis . True, Sinuphorte is not suitable for everyone. The spray can cause burning and allergies.
  4. A good inexpensive spray from the common cold is Cameton . This remedy is meant for the treatment of the throat, but it is also great for the nose. Cameton has a pronounced menthol taste and smell.
  5. Nazivin is a very powerful remedy. The spray acts quickly. Apply it is recommended not more than a couple of times a day, so as not to damage the mucous membrane.
  6. Effective spray from an allergic rhinitis - Nazoneks . He saves from the stuffy nose and during periods of exacerbation, and for preventive purposes.
  7. Universal spray Bioparox . In the kit, two attachments are specially attached to it: for the nose and for the throat. Spray works effectively. The only thing to consider: Bioparox - a spray from the common cold with an antibiotic, so use it strictly according to the instructions.
  8. Another spray-antibiotic is Isofra . This is a very strong medicine, which is prescribed only in the most difficult cases.

To get the maximum effect from using the spray, you first need to blow your nose and clean your nose. It is best to sprinkle the medicine on the breath. After the procedure, you usually want to sneeze, but you need to try to overcome yourself and hold the medicine in your nose as long as possible.