
Anesthetics refer to the list of medications that are stored in each home medicine cabinet. Today, most of them are sold without a prescription, so very often there is an uncontrolled and incorrect intake of pain medications, which can lead to serious consequences. It is important to understand that the pain syndrome is only a signal about any pathological processes in the body. Therefore, simply stopping the pain, it is impossible to get rid of the cause of the pathology, and it may soon manifest itself again.

Classification of pain medication

Anesthetic drugs vary in chemical composition and mechanism of action. They can be issued in various forms, having a local and systemic action:

By chemical nature and pharmacological properties, pain relievers are divided into two main groups.

Narcotic drugs

Medicines, whose action is associated with the inhibition of certain parts of the central nervous system. As a rule, these pain medications are used after serious operations, with extensive injuries, intense, unbearable pain. By blocking the transmission of impulses in the brain and spinal cord, they also help to relieve anxiety.

Despite the fact that the drugs of this group effectively cope with the pain, they are used only in extreme cases and with caution. This is due to the fact that such drugs very quickly cause addiction, physical and mental dependence, and also lead to many other side effects. Narcotic potent analgesics are divided into:

1. Stimulants of opioid receptors:

2. Agonists-antagonists of opioid receptors:

Non-narcotic analgesics

These are the means, effective at painful sensations of average and weak intensity. These funds do not have a significant impact on the central nervous system, do not change the emotional background, do not cause addiction. Therefore, such pain relievers are considered safer. They are divided into:

  1. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - have anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect, reduce body temperature.
  2. Analgesics-antipyretics - have antipyretic and analgesic effect.

Non-narcotic analgesics include preparations based on:

Anesthetics with toothache

Painkillers should be taken with a sudden toothache , when there is no way to consult a doctor quickly. Consider which of the tools will prove most effective in this case:

1. Preparations based on acetylsalicylic acid - these medicines should be used with caution in case of problems with the digestive system:

2. Means based on nimesulide - strong enough and fast acting painkillers:

3. Ketorolac-based drugs are effective drugs that should be used only in case of high intensity pain, taking care:

Anesthetics for osteochondrosis

Symptomatic therapy for osteochondrosis often involves the use of pain medications. As a rule, these are preparations with the following active substances:

In severe cases, the use of tableted and injectable forms of drugs is shown, in more light - external agents (ointments, gels, creams).