Vaccination from diphtheria to adults

An effective method of preventing infectious diseases and epidemics is routine vaccination. Vaccination from diphtheria to adults is included in the list of mandatory measures to maintain the immunity of the organism to pathogens. It is important to always perform the procedure on time, as the disease is very contagious and transmitted by airborne droplets.

Diphtheria in adults

The disease is provoked by toxins, which are secreted by the bacterium Corynebacterium diptheriae. They affect the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract, mainly the pharynx, tonsils and larynx, as well as the surface of the internal organs - the intestines, kidneys. As a result, severe intoxication develops, suffocation, angina progresses.

It is worth noting that the disease is very dangerous, has a high mortality rate in both children and among the older generation.

Vaccination against diphtheria by an adult

The course of vaccination is 3 stages, it must be completed at an early age (under 18 years). If a person was not vaccinated, then two injections are performed first with a break of 30 days, and the third injection in 12 months.

Further vaccination from diphtheria to adults is performed once in 10 years and is called a booster. It allows you to maintain a constant amount of antibodies in the body to the causative agent of the disease and serves as an effective prevention.

The injection itself does not contain bacteria, but only the toxins that they excrete. Thus, the correct immune response is formed without the risk of complications.

Vaccination of adults against diphtheria involves the use of combined medications that prevent infection not only by the ailment in question, but also by tetanus and poliomyelitis.

Used solutions - ADS-M Anatoxin (Russia) and Imovax DT Adult (France). Both drugs contain diphtheria and tetanus toxoid. It is important to establish the level of antitoxin in the patient's body before performing the injection. The concentration of antidiphtheria antibodies should be at least 1:40 units, and tetanus antibodies - 1:20.

A combined polio vaccine is called tetracock. In the production process, it undergoes several stages of purification, so it is as safe as possible.

It is quite rare to vaccinate adults from diphtheria with the use of monopreparation (AD-M Anatoxin). It is indicated with a low concentration of antitoxins in human blood or if the last vaccine was made more than 10 years ago.

Contraindications vaccination against diphtheria adult

The only situation where an injection can not be done is the presence of an allergy to injected toxins.

Temporary contraindications:

Consequences and complications of vaccination against diphtheria by an adult

No persistent health problems do not cause vaccination. In rare cases, there are short-term side effects:

The listed pathologies either pass independently for 3-5 days, or are well amenable to treatment by standard measures.

To date, no complications have been reported after vaccination against diphtheria, if all recommendations are followed before the procedure and after vaccination.