Prevention of influenza and ARVI

In connection with the approach of the cold season, many of us are beginning to worry about their health in advance. To fully meet the winter, you need to do now to prevent influenza and ARVI. In addition to all known folk methods, it is now becoming popular to prevent influenza with medical products. The closer the season of ARVI diseases, the more advertising of drugs for the prevention of influenza can be seen on television and on the city's billboards. In each clinic, school, kindergarten, maternity home, posters with recommendations on the prevention of the incidence of influenza hang. This indicates that the population is seriously puzzled by the problem of prevention and treatment of influenza and ARVI. It is always better to prevent the disease than to fight with it and its consequences for a long time. And the costs of treatment will undoubtedly be greater than for the means for preventing influenza. Therefore, it is better not to put it off, and take care of your health right now, because the drugs for the prevention of acute respiratory infections and influenza are sold in every pharmacy. It can be and ointments, and vitamins, and syrups, and even tablets for preventive maintenance of a flu.

But it is necessary to say that it is very dangerous to prescribe medicines for the prevention of influenza, especially during pregnancy. It only at first glance it seems that all the means for preventing ARVI are the same. In fact, this is not so. Therefore, the prevention of influenza in pregnant women should deal with several doctors (and gynecologist, therapist, and, if possible, a pediatrician).

To date, there are more than 140 viruses known (including influenza viruses) that can cause ARVI. Hence the whole difficulty of nonspecific prevention of influenza (specific is the introduction of a vaccine for the prevention of influenza). The virus is designed in such a way that it can unite with other viruses, creating a new species, can mutate, and there are also cases of adaptation of a virus to antiviral drugs. And an ordinary person does not always know what exactly the drug for the prevention of influenza will suit him. In addition, not all drugs for the prevention and treatment of influenza and ARVI are of only benefit. In any medicine there are side effects, and to read the instruction to each of them, choosing the right one, there is not always an opportunity. This is another reason why it is possible to prevent ARVI during pregnancy only for the intended purpose and under the supervision of a doctor.

But let's not forget that prevention of ARVI includes not only medicines. There are many popular methods of preventing influenza and ARVI. First, it's a healthy lifestyle, hardening. Secondly, it is the use of vitamins, which is especially important in the autumn-spring period, a varied full-fledged diet. This all, of course, does not guarantee that the virus will not get into your body, but, to quickly cope with ARVI, will help. Also contributes to the prevention of influenza and ARVI full sleep (at least 6-7 hours), walks on fresh air. All of the above is doubly important for pregnant women. After all, any colds can lead to negative consequences for themselves and their child. Therefore, doctors recommend compulsory treatment of influenza in pregnancy. And, depending on what kind of virus is common at this time, choose a set of measures to prevent ARVI.

Take your responsibility to your health with all responsibility, do not forget that prevention of influenza and ARVI is needed not to the doctor, but primarily to you, and be healthy!