Spartan education

Many have heard about Spartan education, but not everyone understands what is its specificity. This term has deep historical roots. And this method of education was born in Sparta, where the main was to grow hardy, strong-spirited children, ready for any difficulties.

How it was?

Since the age of seven, the boys were taken to special detachments, where they lived in the future. In the children's team there was a leader. This, as a rule, was the strongest and deftest representative. The rest of the children obeyed him. With each year the living conditions became increasingly strict. For example, the food was meager. So we were taught to hunger. Bed made themselves from improvised funds and more. This forced children to fight against any difficulties in life, to obtain food for themselves. Spartan education of boys was not only in combat training and in the art of survival. Children also learned to write and read.

By the way, girls with Ancient Sparta were brought up with the same emphasis on physical development and martial arts, as well as boys. The beautiful half also practiced running, throwing a disc and spear. Often there were competitions between the representatives of different sexes, which indicates the equality of their forces and position in society.

What now?

At present it is difficult to imagine a correspondence to the ancient system in its entirety. However, some aspects are quite applicable. Consider the basic principles of the Spartan system of child upbringing:

  1. Refusal to swaddle , because it binds the movement.
  2. As early as possible, you should begin to involve the child in physical education. This can be as a morning exercise, moving games, and activities in the sports section . Spartan system of physical education is a very important point. Even in our time, a good physical shape and strong body is considered an undoubted advantage.
  3. From an early age it is important to begin to temper the baby.
  4. Forming the child's desire for a constant increase in intellectual, cultural, and also physical level.

From the above, we can conclude that the essence of this method is to create for the baby hard, real living conditions, rather than encircling his "greenhouse" environment. However, it is difficult to clearly determine whether Spartan upbringing is necessary today. In any case, the parents choose the methods of education. And the given system nevertheless has the positive sides. The main thing is to use them rationally.