Kindergarten - is it necessary?

Unfortunately, for many parents the answer to the question whether to give the baby to the kindergarten is definitely positive already because of the difficult financial situation. In this case, finding a child in the garden gives Mother the opportunity to go to work and earn money. For those who have the freedom of choice in this issue, there is an opportunity to think about whether a kindergarten is necessary for their child.

Kindergarten: for and against

What are the advantages of a kindergarten? What can he give to such a child, what can not the family do?

  1. A clear daily routine . The child's life in the kindergarten is subject to a strict daily routine : walks , sleep, classes and meals take place at a clearly defined time. No matter how much a loving mother aspires to such a thing, it is unlikely that she will be able to ensure strict adherence to the regime.
  2. Communicate the child with other children . Unfortunately, our time is the time of families with one child, whom adults around him tend to spoil immensely. It is in the kindergarten that a child can get the experience of long-term communication with peers, learn to share, make friends, give in, insist on his own, quarrel and make peace. A child who does not visit the garden, of course, is not in a vacuum. But communication with other children on the playground for him for a short time and does not allow full integration in the children's team.
  3. Comprehensive development . The program of raising children in the kindergarten is designed in such a way as to develop them in every possible way. In kindergarten, kids learn to sing and dance, draw and sculpt, do exercises, dress and eat on their own. In addition, children receive all the skills and abilities necessary for entering the school. Of course, all this can give the child a mother or grandmother. But at home the child is deprived of the collective, the spirit of competition, which encourages him to do more and better than others.

Inevitable minuses of the kindergarten :

  1. Frequent diseases . It's no secret that the first year of going to kindergarten is often overshadowed by endless illnesses. Colds follow the common cold, not to mention all the known childhood diseases. Unfortunately, this is almost inevitable and is due to the fact that before going to the garden the circle of communication of the child was limited, and, therefore, there was less opportunity to get sick. Now, its immunity is faced with a large number of viruses and must develop protection for them.
  2. Psycho-emotional overload . Little children, spending most of the day without a mom, without her love and warmth, experience a feeling of emotional insecurity. After all, no matter how the caretakers tried to love all their wards, it is simply impossible physically. Another factor that causes stress in children is the impossibility of being alone in the garden, not doing what is planned, but doing what you like.
  3. General approach. The number of children in the group does not give the educator the opportunity to find an approach to each of them, to consider the individuality in him, to fully reveal all his capabilities and talents. The educational program of the garden is designed for an average child, so many children in the garden are frankly bored.

As can be seen from the above, it is impossible to give an unambiguous answer - do you need a kindergarten in principle. Someone sees in him only minuses, someone considers it necessary for the stage of child development. Each specific family must decide for themselves, taking into account the interests of all its members: both parents and the child. But in general, the conclusion suggests that keeping the child out of difficulties unnecessarily and keeping him at home until the school is not the best idea. Therefore, if there are no objective reasons to leave the baby at home, it is better to take him to the kindergarten, where he can develop on a par with peers.