Rosemary oil for hair

Rosemary is an evergreen shrub whose home is the Mediterranean. The healing properties of this plant have been known for a long time, due to which it is used in medicine, mainly as an essential oil. It is obtained from fresh branches and flowering shoots by distillation. This oil has a soft bitter woody-spicy flavor, with pronounced notes of freshness. Also essential oil of rosemary is widely used in cosmetology - for the prevention and treatment of skin and hair problems. More details on the use of this tool for hair.

Effect of rosemary oil on hair

Rosemary oil can cope with some hair and scalp problems, with the following effects:

Due to the ability to strengthen cell nutrition and activate metabolism in weakened hair follicles, rosemary oil is used for hair growth. As a result, the process of replacing old hair with new ones is normalized. Rosemary oil moisturizes the scalp, eliminating dandruff, nourishes the hair along the entire length, preventing their cross-section and promoting regeneration. Hair becomes elastic, silky, acquire a natural sheen.

Ways of using rosemary oil for hair

This tool is used in several ways:

Enrichment of shampoo: add to the shampoo used at the rate of 3-5 drops of oil per 10 ml of shampoo; use as an ordinary shampoo.

Rinse: dilute 7-10 drops of oil in 5 ml of alcohol (70%) and pour the mixture into 1 liter of warm water; Rinse hair after washing.

Masks with rosemary oil:

These masks can be applied 1-2 times a week.

As an additional effect of the use of rosemary oil for hair under the influence of its aroma, the nervous system is strengthened, the mental overstrain is removed, and the concentration of attention is increased.

By the way, at home, you can prepare olive-rosemary oil according to the following recipe: 3-4 rosemary stems put in a glass jar and pour 250 ml of olive oil, close the lid tightly and put in a dark place for 2-3 weeks. Obtained oil must be filtered and applied for hair treatment or cooking.

Note: Rosemary oil should not be used in its pure form, but also used for children under 6 years old, during pregnancy, with hypertension, epilepsy.