The beheading of John the Baptist - what can not be done?

The Feast of the Beheading of the head of John the Baptist among people is also called "Ivan Postny", as the church recommends observing on this day a one-day fast. It was celebrated on September 11. Many different traditions and signs are associated with this ecclesiastical holiday, and one should also know what can not be done at the Beheading.

First a little history about the appearance of this holiday. During the life of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ, King Herod ruled, who married his brother's wife. John, who was afraid of Herod, said that he made a big mistake. On the birthday of the king, his daughter asked that she was presented on the platter head of the Forerunner, and her desire was fulfilled.

Signs and customs for the Beheading of John the Baptist

On this day, the commemoration of the deceased soldiers is held. Necessarily on holiday gather at the table, inviting to the meal of people with small incomes and needy. It is recommended to serve poor people too, in order to show respect to the saint. It is believed that this day comes the real autumn, but do not get upset, because the Indian summer no one canceled. People also harvest carrots and beets on this day.

Basically, all the prohibitions of this day relate to food and because it is customary to observe a strict fast , meat, fish and dairy products are strictly forbidden. The purpose of such restrictions is due to the fact that people should remember what leads to the passion of intemperance. It is believed that if a person observes fasting, then they can forgive all sins. It is forbidden to eat foods that have a round shape or red color, and also use sharp objects for cooking. Products can not be cut with a knife and everything breaks with hands. With regard to serving food, you can not use dishes, because it was the head of the Forerunner that lay on it.

Finding out what can not be done at the Beheading of John the Baptist, it is worth mentioning the existence of a ban on singing and dancing. You can not work on this holiday, as well as do household chores. During September 11, it is forbidden to quarrel, because it was precisely anger and anger that caused John's death.

According to one of the assumptions on the Beheading of John the Baptist, if a white dog was bunched on that day, then it will be rich, and life will be prosperous. If a person lodges an animal in her, she will attract luck and happiness throughout her life. Since ancient times, people believed that in the form of a white dog, John the Baptist himself blesses the righteous for a prosperous life.