People's signs on August 1

At the very beginning of the last month of the summer, according to the church canon, it is customary to pay tribute to the memory of Saint Macride, or Mokrida, of Cappadocia, who lived in the fourth century. The girl gave a dinner of celibacy and devoted herself to serving God, along with her mother took part in the construction of the monastery, where she later spent all her time in prayers . For her chastity, the Lord rewarded the saint with the gift of miracles, which she used to strengthen the faith of others. In the same people, the day of the memory of Mokrida on August 1 is associated with different signs. Traditionally, it means a boundary between summer and autumn agricultural work and a general turn towards the off-season.

Signs of the weather for August 1

In Russia, the holiday was often aptly called the Mokrina day, because on that day it was usually a little rain and it became cool in autumn. And this was considered a good sign. If there was no precipitation, then the women performed special rituals to evoke it. Necessarily chose the most beautiful girl, preferably born on August 1 or though this month, dressed her in festive clothes and gave in hands the freshly cut ears. She had to take them to the river and leave a gift to the water, so that she spilled at last from heaven. But if on that day was generous to rainfall, the girl born in August was not let out of the threshold, because, according to the belief, the rainfall will intensify and this will lead to a flood.

The peasants waited for the rainy season on Mokrinin, because by the signs they promised a rich harvest. But, in addition, foreshadowed the wet autumn. If the weather on August 1 was clear - the land will last 6 more weeks. Have noted and another:

Can I swim on August 1st?

Some people confused August 1 and Ilyin Day , which is celebrated on 2 August. That's why they believed that you can not swim. But there are no prohibitions for this in the national tradition. On Mokrid you can swim, if it is suitable weather - warm and quiet.

Other people's signs on August 1

It was believed that after Mokrinin's day all flying insects disappear, first of all - gadflies. If the last gadfly flew into the house, it was a very bad sign, foreshadowing the death of someone from the family. If you noticed that opal down from the aspen, then it is time to go to the forest for mushrooms, boletus.