Signs on Ilin Day

The most popular folk sign on Ilyin on August 2 is a kind of warning that you can not swim in natural water because "Ilya has cooled down". In fact, this day has a great history and there are many different signs concerning this date.

Signs and customs on Ilin Day

In the myths of the Slavs, Elijah the Prophet is depicted as a mighty gray-haired old man, who in the sky moves on his chariot. His task is to punish people who do not keep the law of God. For this he uses fire arrows. Ilya the prophet was also called "formidable", because he represented anger, destruction and death. Pagans on August 2 revered the god Perun.

A sign on Ilyin's day that you can not swim was due to the fact that it was on this day because of frequent thunderstorms that bathing people died from a lightning strike. People still believed that people who violate the ban on bathing can seriously get sick or even die.

In ancient times, on the day of Elijah, who still called "angry," people refused to work and just lounged about. It was believed that any work on this day can bring trouble. It was especially dangerous to work in the field, because Ilya could have struck with his lightning a sinner for not following the rules. If on that day there was a thunderstorm, people were just afraid to leave the house and even curtained the windows.

People's signs on Ilin Day:

  1. If thunder rattles on this day, then Ilya is riding across the sky in his chariot.
  2. It was believed that before August 2, clouds walk in the wind, and then against it.
  3. After the day of Elijah, the nights became dark and long.
  4. Another famous sign on the Ilyin day - from this moment the water in the reservoirs becomes cold.
  5. If it was raining on this day and there was a thunder, it means that your head will hurt. When the thunder is long, the heaviness in the chest will be felt.
  6. A person caught in the day of Ilya in the rain, can not be afraid of any diseases during the year.
  7. Counting shots this day is a bad sign, indicating that a person will lose all good.
  8. If on that day a lightning struck in someone's garden, it means that Ilya punished a person for the sins he committed before. When lightning struck on the outskirts of the village, it was believed that in this settlement there are many sinners.
  9. In the event that lightning strikes an old tree, people have believed since ancient times that it was in this place that negative energy was concentrated. It was believed that near him previously often gathered demons and different evil spirits.
  10. The ancient Slavs believed that on August 2, demons and other creatures tried to hide from the wrath of Elijah, so it was forbidden to bring home homeless animals and, above all, cats.
  11. Another sign related to the lightning strike indicated that if it hit the mirror, it is a symbol of having a portal to the other world. That is why on the eve of this day the peasants covered all the reflecting surfaces.
  12. Hot weather on August 2 is a harbinger of fires, and if it was raining, you could not worry about the wheat harvest.
  13. If in Ilyin the day a man met a wild animal on his way, so you can count on the success of luck in life.
  14. The death of livestock on that day was considered a gift at the mercy of Elijah. From the carcass it was necessary to prepare dishes, some of which should be taken to the church and given to the poor and ministers.
  15. If domestic animals disappeared from the yard, it was believed that Ilya punished for luxury. That is why in ancient times people were afraid to bring livestock to pastures.
  16. Another popular sign - if the lightning struck the yard, then there is a treasure in this place.

Another interesting folk sign on the Ilyin Day - the fire must be extinguished with water mixed with milk, so that the fire does not go further.