Anorexia - before and after

The desire to be slim sometimes crosses all boundaries, leading to serious health problems, and sometimes to death. Anorexia is a problem of the XXI century, with which society is trying to wage an active struggle. Today in some countries there is even a law in which the punishment for propaganda of thinness is described.

Photos of people before and after diagnosis of anorexia are shocked, as it seems that the picture shows a "living skeleton". This disease is psychological, and curing it is not so easy. A person is literally obsessed with getting rid of excess weight, and the thought of being overweight leads him into shock.

Causes, stages and consequences of anorexia

Most often, a maniacal desire to lose weight arises from several reasons:

  1. Biological or genetic predisposition.
  2. Nervous tension, depression and breakdowns.
  3. Influence of the environment, propaganda of harmony.

Victims of anorexia often admit to experiencing each of these points. In addition, a big role in this is the support of relatives and close people, since loneliness can be attributed to reasons that only increase the desire to get rid of excess weight.

Stages of anorexia:

  1. Dysmorphophobic . A person begins to think about his fullness, but does not refuse food.
  2. Dysmorphic . A person is already convinced that he has extra pounds, and he starts secretly starving from everyone. Many people use different ways to extract the eaten food.
  3. Cachectic . The man no longer wants to eat and is disgusted with food. At this time, weight loss is up to 50%. Different diseases start to develop.

Scientists in Sweden have identified the possible consequences of anorexia:

  1. In the period of prolonged fasting the body spends internal reserves: fat deposits and muscle tissue.
  2. Anorexia in girls in most cases causes infertility.
  3. Heart problems start, blood pressure decreases and arrhythmia arises.
  4. Despite the fact that weight with anorexia can recover, a whole complex of incurable diseases remains inside.
  5. A large percentage of people still can not overcome this disease. Even after in-patient treatment, they again refuse food, and everything starts in a new way.
  6. The most terrible consequence of anorexia is death from total exhaustion and failure of systems and organs. Some also go on suicide, because they are not able to find the strength to cope with the situation.