Caloric content of broccoli

Broccoli is one of the most healthy vegetables. It contains a huge amount of useful substances necessary for the normal functioning of all body systems. That is why it is indispensable in medical and dietary nutrition programs.

How many calories are in raw broccoli?

Raw cabbage is very low-calorie, so it is unlikely to become a threat to anyone's waistline. With regular use of raw broccoli, the body is filled with many useful vitamins.

Caloric content of broccoli per 100 grams is only 28 kcal. When certain food programs are observed, various salads with dietary dressings or vegetable oils are often made from broccoli. To get used to the unusual taste of broccoli, the salad can be diluted with other vegetables.

How many calories are in the cooked broccoli?

Very much depends on the cooking of cabbage. The most low-calorie option is boiled. The caloric content of cooked broccoli is only 35 kcal per 100 g. The only downside is that the raw version contains much more vitamins, because when cooking, 50% of them are lost at best. Therefore, nutritionists recommend eating broccoli mainly in raw form. Boiled cabbage is perfect as a side dish for meat or fish. Also from it you can make light soup or sandwiches.

How many calories are in the fried broccoli?

Many prefer to fry cabbage in breadcrumbs. In this case, the calorie content of broccoli will be much higher than previous versions. In fried cabbage contains 46 calories per 100 g. During the frying process, some of the oil is absorbed into it, which makes it more caloric. But it is important to remember that oils are also important for the human body, so even during weight loss, sometimes you can afford to cook a delicious dish of fried cabbage. It is worth noting that fried broccoli is not as heavy as other vegetables. Therefore, it can also be included in the low-calorie diet program.

Salad with broccoli



It is necessary to rinse well and disassemble broccoli into small inflorescences, and then finely chop the cucumber and tomato. After this, mix all ingredients and add salt to taste. In the salad you can put a little more leeks and greens. At first glance the salad looks too simple, but this is its zest - nothing superfluous. To diversify this recipe, carrots, potatoes, cheese, corn, celery , garlic, apples, nuts, etc. can be added to the main ingredients.

Broccoli steamed with cheese



Broccoli should be poured into a saucepan and steamed for four minutes, then transferred to a separate container. After that should fry the garlic in a frying pan for two minutes and add it to the broccoli (along with vegetable oil). Then add lemon zest and salt to taste. The dish is sprinkled with grated cheese and immediately served to the table. This method of cooking is useful, but more caloric than in the first case.

A useful product is a real gift of nature, improving the figure and allowing you to become healthier, more beautiful and happier. The caloric content of broccoli cabbage depends on the type of preparation, but overall it is very light, which allows you to safely consume it to all people caring for their shape and well-being.