What does miscarriage look like in the early term?

Such a pregnancy disorder, as a miscarriage, is a process of death and expulsion of the fetus from the uterine cavity. It occurs not at once, and can last from several hours to several days. In order to understand what a miscarriage looks like at an early pregnancy, it is necessary to consider this process in more detail.

How does miscarriage occur at the beginning of pregnancy?

Typically, the development of miscarriage includes the following types:

Under threat understand the onset of detachment of the placenta and the appearance of the first symptoms: pain in the lower abdomen, meager spotting from the vagina. In this case, the cervix is ​​closed, so the development of miscarriage can be stopped by taking the necessary measures.

With irreversible miscarriage the detachment occurs almost completely, as a result of which the fetal death occurs.

If incomplete, the placenta detachment occurs completely, - the fetus dies and the beginning of its ejection from the uterine cavity is observed.

A complete miscarriage is characterized by the final release of the fetus and its membranes from the uterine cavity and the genital tract of the woman.

What does a fetal egg look like in miscarriage?

Here everything depends, first of all, on the exact date of the pregnancy termination.

If we talk about how it looks like a miscarriage at a very early gestation period (1-2 weeks), then, as a rule, these are usual bloody discharge, which the woman often mistakes for menstruation.

At a period of 3-5 weeks, miscarriage looks like a blood clot, with the allocation of which a woman is concerned about the pain in the lower abdomen.

If the miscarriage occurs at 7-9 weeks, then among the bloody discharge a woman can see the pieces of the fetal tissue.

How to determine a miscarriage at the beginning of pregnancy?

Determining such an early violation of the girls themselves is very difficult. Therefore, if you suspect of it, or the appearance of a month earlier than the due date, you should contact your doctor. The only accurate method of diagnosis in this case is ultrasound. With his help, doctors with 100% accuracy will determine whether this was a miscarriage and did not remain a part of the embryo in the uterus, which helps to avoid the development of infection.

Thus, knowing what an early miscarriage looks like, a woman will be able to suspect the violation herself and seek medical help as soon as possible.