Fruit at 16 weeks old

16th week of pregnancy is the beginning of the second trimester of pregnancy , which is considered the most favorable and is most easily tolerated by women. During this period, symptoms of early toxicosis disappear: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, drowsiness, the tummy begins to appear. At 16 weeks of gestation, the embryo begins to be called the fetus. We will consider how the fetus develops in 16 weeks and the sensation of a pregnant woman.

16 weeks of pregnancy - fetal development

At the 16th week of pregnancy, the fetus is already formed and continues to grow and gain weight. A little man is already moving in his mother's belly, a face appears on his face. The auricles moved from the cervical to their usual place. Eyes of the fetus moved from side to face. The kidneys are already formed and began to function, so every 45 minutes in amniotic fluid the baby releases urine. The limbs become longer, and the fruit gradually regains its normal proportions. Little fingers start to appear on the fingers. Sweat and sebaceous glands begin to function. The heart and trunk vessels are already formed and perform their functions, the fetal heart rate at 16 weeks is 130-160 beats per minute. The coccyx-parietal size is 108-116 cm, and weighs about 80 grams.

Feelings of a woman at 16 weeks gestation

At the 16th week of pregnancy, you can already see a rounded tummy, especially in thin women. A woman can no longer wear her favorite clothes, because she should not burden the baby. Femoral changes at week 16 begin to be felt by mating females. The location of the fetus at week 16 of pregnancy can be determined by ultrasound.

We saw that at 16 weeks of pregnancy the baby is practically formed, its main organs and systems are already working.