Vitamin D3 - what is it for?

Scientists believe that vitamin D3 is the main and most important representative of fat-soluble vitamins of group D. It is worthwhile to figure out where vitamin D3 is contained and what it needs for men, women and children.

To begin with, I would like to say that this substance is synthesized in the body, thanks to the action of ultraviolet rays. When the sun is not enough, that is, in the cold season, it is important to replenish its balance by eating food or medicine.

Vitamin D3 - what is it for?

To maintain proper functioning of the body, it is important to ensure that it receives a sufficient amount of nutrients. Each vitamin and mineral performs its immediate function.

What is vitamin D3 for the body?

  1. To strengthen the bone system, because it promotes better absorption of calcium and magnesium. This substance takes part in the formation of bone and dental tissue. Thanks to the vitamin, the inflow of nutrients to the tissue increases, which leads to its strengthening.
  2. For the growth of cells, taking part in the process of their growth and renewal. Scientists by conducting various studies have established that vitamin D3 slows down the process of reproduction of breast and intestinal cancer cells. It is recommended to use it also in the treatment, as well as in the prevention of oncological diseases of the prostate and brain.
  3. To maintain the immune system, because this substance affects the work of the bone marrow, which in turn is responsible for the production of immune cells.
  4. For the work of endocrine glands. When a sufficient amount of vitamin D3 is received, the process of insulin synthesis comes back to normal. If this compound in the body is not enough, then the level of glucose in the blood decreases.
  5. For the stable functioning of the nervous system. This useful substance leads to the maintenance of the necessary concentration of calcium in the blood, and this in turn is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses. In addition, the vitamin helps restore the protective nerve shells. That is why it is recommended for taking with multiple sclerosis.

Speaking about vitamin D3, it is worth to say separately about what it needs for children. Specialists prescribe it as a preventive measure for rickets. Assigns an aqueous solution, because it is not toxic. Many mothers are interested in the age of vitamin D3, so this period should be calculated by the doctor, but usually the reception starts from the first month and lasts up to two to three years. This is due to the fact that it is at this time that the skeleton is actively forming. Another important point - how much to give the child vitamin D3. If a baby with a normal weight and breastfeeding, the dosage is 1-2 drops, that is 500-1000 IU. If there are any deviations, then the doctor prescribes more 2-3 drops, that is, 1500-2000 IU and vitamin D3 is recommended up to three years. By the way, the dosage for an adult is 600 IU. Since there is a lot of sun and body in the summer, this compound is produced by itself, then the amount is reduced to 500 IU. It is important to take into account that if the dosage is exceeded, negative consequences may occur.

What foods have vitamin D3?

The main suppliers of this compound are dairy products, and there are even special products for children. Still vitamin D3 is in oily fish, for example, mackerel , herring, tuna, etc. It is important to note that when frying, the amount of nutrients decreases. To receive this useful connection it is possible and from cereals and first of all it concerns oatmeal.