Why is it useful?

In the culinary books of the "ancient Romans" special attention was given to the then delicacy - root and beet tops, soaked in red wine. Perhaps, if we had adopted the recipe for this dessert, the extra weight would have gone in a matter of days.

But let's not talk about sad things. Let's start with what the beet is useful for and why it is eaten, at least since the days of the Persians.

Why is the beet useful to the body?

First of all, it is worth paying attention to its color - what is useful for the beet for the organism is simply "written on her forehead". The inhabitants of the other hemisphere, who never saw the classic Ukrainian borsch on the run, call it a "bloody mess", and all because of beets.

But the beetroot is not only impressive by its external resemblance to blood, it also stimulates its production in the body, increasing the level of hemoglobin, clearing the blood vessels of cholesterol, thereby preventing the development of leukemia, anemia, atherosclerosis.

Of the beneficial substances in the beet, affecting the hematopoiesis is not only iron, but also copper with quartz. The latter strengthens the blood vessels, and copper contributes to the production of hemoglobin.

Beets contribute to the creation of an alkaline medium in the blood, and, as is known, increased acidity leads to the development of tumors. So, we can also attribute the prevention and control of cancer to our root crop.

About what is useful in beets knows your heart firsthand. This product is simply necessary for normal cardiovascular activity. Beetroot dilates blood vessels (and therefore lowers blood pressure), is an antisclerotic, and can also soothe when the heart is about to pop out of the chest.

We will try to avoid chanting the use of beets for the cardiovascular system. Switch to other organs.

Beetroot is useful in diseases of the kidneys, liver and obesity. First of all, its benefit with excess weight is due to a strong diuretic and laxative effect, which will help get rid of swelling and constipation.

Our root crop, to all the rest is also an antioxidant. Due to its composition, beets save us from harmful accumulations of free radicals, stimulate the smooth operation of the brain, and high content of pectin displays toxic and radioactive substances.

Beets, of course, are useful for the digestive tract. It removes excess cholesterol, accelerates intestinal motility, thereby purifying the digestive tract from putrefactive processes. At the same time, metabolism is accelerated at the same time. Root can boast a high content of folic acid and vitamins B, so the beet contributes to the regeneration of the whole body, including, will support your liver during periods of feasts.

What is useful for beets when losing weight?

The funny thing is that nutritionists recommend to exclude from the dietary diet is beets. It's also carbohydrate-starchy, which means it raises blood sugar, then insulin is released and sugar drops sharply. As a result, the beetroot tastes frantic hunger.

All right, only who asked you to eat beets on an empty stomach, instead of a normal meal?

We will tell you what is actually useful for beets when losing weight, because the benefits, it turns out, nemerenaya.

Carbohydrate property to stimulate the appetite, we have described above, but the satiety after the eaten beet still comes - it lasts for 30 minutes. If you eat beets or drink natural beet juice just before eating, you will eat well, which means you will eat less.

To avoid the "carbohydrate pendulum", along with the beet, one must eat foods with a low glycemic index, then, the useful properties of beet for weight loss will be obvious.

An approximate menu with a beetroot juice diet is as follows: