Cherries - calorie content

Well, who does not like summer to eat juicy, ripe, large and fragrant cherries that have just been torn from a tree? This fruit was appreciated by the ancient Greeks, and not by chance. Having spread around the world, the cherry has gained about 4000 varieties, but its properties have not lost.

Today, these fruits can be seen in different colors, they can be yellow, and dark red and purple. They are eaten with pleasure by children and adults who follow the figure and try to get rid of excess weight. Thanks to sweetness, aroma, delicate taste and low calorie sweetness, the diet with its use turns into a fairy tale rather than a test. Of course, if there is not fresh fruit, but processed, in the form of jam from sweet cherries, the calorie content of such a product will not allow calling it dietary. About how nutritious and useful "bird cherry" and why it is so respected by nutritionists, you will learn with us.

Caloric content of sweet cherry with bones

Sweet, fresh cherries have practically no calories. 100 grams of fruit contains approximately 50 kcal, of which 3 kcal is absorbed by proteins, 4 kcal by fats and 43 by carbohydrates. Caloric content of sweet cherries in canned form or in sweet compote is approximately 54 kcal. Therefore, it should be remembered that such "dishes" can not bring so much benefit to the body during weight loss, as expected.

Moreover, using this product, you can significantly improve your health. After all, sweet cherry is not just delicious and fruit, it is the source of many vitamins and nutrients that our body needs so much. It contains vitamins: A, E, PP, B1, B2, B3, B6, E, K, as well as many minerals: calcium, magnesium, copper, manganese, iodine and phosphorus. A large amount of potassium - 250 mg per 100 g, very beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. Vitamin C in the cherry is about 20 mg per 100 g of product, which contributes to the strengthening of immunity and improves metabolic processes in the body. Thanks to iron, which in 100 g of fruits contains 2 mg, it is possible to prevent anemia and increase blood coagulability. Due to copper, which is the most cherry in cherry, the color and shine of the hair improves.

People suffering from hypertension have enough to eat 250-300 grams of red cherries with a low calorie content in order to normalize the pressure. And broths from fruits and pedicels help with arthritis, gout, rheumatism, improve blood circulation and normalize the work of the kidneys and liver. Another advantage of this product is essential oil, which is extracted from bone kernels and successfully used in cosmetology.

Those who follow their figure, low calorie sweetness and its energy value pleases. In 100 grams of fresh fruit contains 85 mg of water, 10 grams of protein, 0.1 g of fat and 10.5 g of carbohydrates. Ripe juicy fruits are rich in digestible carbohydrates, which are presented in the form of glucose and fructose, and are absorbed by the body much more quickly. Therefore, for those who suffer from diabetes or struggling with excess weight, cherry is an excellent substitute for sweets.

Knowing the caloric content of a sweet cherry with a bone losing weight, you can consume it in unlimited quantities without fear of gaining weight. This is also very good fiber, it helps to remove all harmful substances from the body and improves the work of the digestive tract. Therefore, neither the dysbacteriosis of the intestine, nor bloating, nor constipation with cherries are not terrible. But what is more pleasant, the cherry fruit contains the coumarins, which tonify the body, provide the necessary energy and do not allow depression.