Chinese diet pills

Many women take Chinese diet pills, but are they as effective as producers say. What is their main advantage - you do not need to diet and exhaust yourself with physical training. Before deciding to take such drugs, think carefully about whether the game is worth the candle, or better, consult a doctor.

Effective Chinese diet pills

One of the most popular drugs is the "Bomb". The package includes 30 tablets, and the course is designed for a month. The instructions for the drug indicate that the tablet contains only natural ingredients, which is why it is considered high-quality. As the developers say, active high-energy genes were used to produce the drug. The composition includes L-carnitine . The instructions say that pills accelerate metabolism and reduce appetite. Another part of the planta-plantain, based on information provided by the manufacturer, this plant affects the burning of fats. The method of taking this: every day you need to take 1 tablet before or after breakfast. Do not forget to drink the product with plenty of water.

Chinese pills for weight loss "Tsingzishou"

This is another popular drug, which includes fruits and plants, which are recommended for weight loss. The instructions say that the drug is not toxic and completely safe for the human body. Tablets have a positive effect on the breakdown of fats, and also help improve the condition of the muscles and tighten the skin. Producers indicate the following composition of the drug: kiwi, apple, guarana, orange, vitamins and minerals, lotus leaves. Use the drug for 2 tablets before or after breakfast.

Chinese butterfly diet pills

Tablets that act like all known drug "Lida". The composition of the drug includes madder extract, Ioba's tears, Passionflower seeds, bogs sprout and lotus leaves. The manufacturer promises that the drug will improve the work of the intestines, accelerate metabolism, as well as saturation of the body with the necessary substances and the breakdown of fats. The drug reduces appetite , cleanses the body of decay products, reduces the amount of subcutaneous fat. It is necessary to take 1 tablet 1 time per day.

Chinese diet pills "Bileit"

Producers promise that using the drug, you can reduce your body and weight, and improve metabolic processes in the body. The composition of the drug includes the following ingredients: pungent fungus, lotus, chicken stomach, hawthorn and root of the disco. Manufacturers advise to achieve excellent results using 3 packs of the drug.

What really?

If you ask a dietitian what he thinks about Chinese pills, you will hear no forest reviews. The use of such drugs can cause an exacerbation of chronic diseases, problems with the stomach and liver. If you exceed the allowable rate, then everything can end with hospitalization. Such pills can be addictive, and it will be difficult to refuse them. Possible side effects on the body:

You should understand that no pills will help you get rid of extra pounds, since all the information provided by manufacturers is untrue. All extreme methods of weight loss can only harm the body. You can get rid of excess weight if you follow proper diet and exercise regularly.