Harbinger of birth - how to understand that soon give birth?

The term "precursors of childbirth" in obstetrics is usually used to designate clinical changes that occur with the cervix. Under the action of hormones it softens, shortens, opens. Consider the phenomenon in detail, calling its visual signs, the sensations that the pregnant woman experiences at the same time.

Precursors of labor in primiparous

The period of delivery is the most exciting for women awaiting the appearance of the first-born. This fact is explained by the fact that most pregnant women do not know about signs of an early birth in primiparas. Talking with doctors, they will learn about this phenomenon, like the precursors of childbirth in the first-born, among whom:

  1. Abdominal abscess. The future mother herself notes how it makes her breathe easier, heartburn disappears. At the same time, she records that the gait has become more severe, it is difficult to move around.
  2. Departure of the mucous plug. During the period of bearing the child in the reproductive system (cervix), a clot of mucus is formed, which she produces. It directly plays the role of a barrier in the pathway of pathogenic microorganisms, protecting the fetus and uterus from their harmful effects. Shortly before the moment of delivery, a woman records her departure from the vaginal cavity.
  3. Decreased motor activity of the fetus. Many pregnant women record that before birth, in a few days, the child calms down. This is due to the lack of free space and the large size of the baby.
  4. Cuts of the uterus. Periodic tension of the anterior abdominal wall with simultaneous tingling in the lower abdomen indicates an increase in contractility of the muscle fibers. Such fights are called training because they do not lead to the development of labor.
  5. Change of posture. Due to the displacement of the center of gravity, the gait changes, the head slightly deviates back.
  6. Increased number of urination. The strong pressure exerted on the bladder by the fetus requires frequent emptying of the organ.
  7. The appearance of uncomfortable sensations in the lower abdomen, in the back area. The woman fixes drawing, aching pain of low intensity. It pulls the bottom of the abdomen before giving birth mainly to the first-born.

Sensations before birth in primipara

Each pregnant woman can differently describe her feelings before giving birth. But most of the women already having children say that it all started with the appearance of a dull, unclear origin of the pain in the lower abdomen and in the lower back. Often they act as a painful background - continue for a long time, quiet for a short time. Simultaneously, an increase in defecation can be noted.

Doctors say that such precursors of childbirth are associated with the efforts of the body to clean the intestines. This chair is not changed. In addition, a few hours before the delivery can be detected nausea and vomiting. This is predetermined by an increase in the concentration in the blood of the hormone oxytocin, which stimulates labor activity. Under its influence, the activity of uterine myometrium increases.

When does the abdomen drop before giving birth to the first-born?

The symptom associated with a change in the visual location of the abdomen refers to the well-known precursors of childbirth. It is caused by the process of lowering the fetal head into a small pelvis, changing the position of its body. At the same time, the future mother fixes relief, improves well-being. But the primiparous, because of their inexperience, do not imagine this state. Because of this, often at a gynecologist's reception they ask a question about how to understand that the stomach has dropped before giving birth. Doctors indicate the presence of the following phenomena:

There is an easy way to establish that there has been a drop in the abdomen . To do this, you need to test: place the hand in the space between the chest and the upper part of the abdomen. If almost the entire palm is placed in it, this indicates the approach of the process of delivery. According to medical observations, a similar phenomenon is recorded in women giving birth for the first time, 2-3 weeks before the onset of the birth process. This time interval has an average value. In view of the fact that each pregnancy has its own peculiarities, it can change in larger or smaller side.

Precursors of premature birth in primiparous

About a premature appearance of the baby on light speak at its birth in the period from 28 to 37 weeks gestation. The phenomenon does not occur suddenly. For some time before the onset, precursors of premature birth are fixed. Among them are:

Harbinger of genera

The signs of an early delivery in the re-birth are practically no different from those that are present when the first-born is waiting. A distinctive feature of them is the fact that they are less pronounced and may appear later. Because of this, they are more difficult to identify. But the woman giving birth permanently remembers those harbingers of birth that were celebrated before her birth of the first baby. She will know about her imminent departure to the hospital.

Feelings before giving birth in the re-birth

Women, who give birth to the second and subsequent children, are known for almost all the precursors of an early birth. On a long date about the approaching hour "X" the pregnant woman will know how she feels, how she changes her activity. Many note that suddenly at the end of the gestational period there is a sharp relief, a burst of energy, a desire to do all unfinished business, to prepare a room for the baby. This phenomenon is often compared with the instinct of nesting.

When does the abdomen drop before giving birth to the moles?

It should be noted that for women giving birth repeatedly women are characterized by a relatively early drop in the abdomen before childbirth. This phenomenon is associated with the weakened muscles of the abdominal and pelvic floor - a consequence of the first pregnancy. In some cases, omission may be recorded when the amniotic fluid is discharged , when the process of the child's appearance begins immediately.

Precursors of preterm labor in the re-occurring

Earlier delivery is often caused by complications of the gestation process. Among these, the central position is occupied by hypertension of the uterus. With this phenomenon, there is an increase in the contractile activity of muscle fibers of the myometrium. Physicians fix the signs of an early birth, among which:

Diarrhea before childbirth

Often waiting for the second birth, whose precursors are described above, the woman fixes a sharp violation of the stool at a later date. This phenomenon is caused by a change in the position of the baby and an increase in the concentration of hormones stimulating the birth process. Doctors say that this way the body empties the intestines, increasing the space for the genital tract, which will move the baby.

40th week of pregnancy - there are no precursors of childbirth

In some cases, it's 40 weeks , and there are no signs of an impending birth. Because of this, a woman does not know how to understand that soon to give birth. Every day is accompanied by waiting. A similar phenomenon is explained by several factors:

After 40 weeks of gestation, a woman is referred to a hospital. In the medical institution, her condition is under full control of doctors. At occurrence of fights, disclosing of a neck of the pregnant woman translate in prenatal, and then and a maternity hall where the baby appears on light. It is worth noting that the process of delivery itself occurs in the re-births faster and easier.