This fearless cat saved the little boy life!

Almost all animals react very sensitively to the world around them and instantly distinguish danger next to them. As they say, animal flair rarely fails. That is why people have learned to use this ability to save and prevent threats.

But sometimes there are situations that are difficult to give in to logic and explanation, because they can not be foreseen and prepared in advance for them. That's exactly what happened in California, where a small cat came into almost mortal combat with an aggressive dog attacking the child. The whole moment of horror was filmed on the camera of outdoor surveillance.

On that day, nothing foretold troubles. Little Jeremy Triantafilo, as usual, rode his bicycle alongside the driveway to his house. Suddenly, a neighbor's dog, emerging from nowhere, began to creep up to Jeremy from behind. A frightening situation, is not it !?

She ran to the boy, without warning grabbed his leg and began to pull on the sidewalk. Imagine how horrified the child was!

In no time, the family cat Tara jumped out of the house and rushed headlong to the aid of the baby, without thinking a single second. She attacked the four-footed offender, saving Jeremy almost at the cost of her own life.

Moreover, Tara decided to finally teach the dog and chased after him, showing everyone with her fearlessness that more to this uninvited guest is not welcome here and, perhaps, the next time everything will end much worse.

Jeremy said that he was frightened, but with him everything is in order, although several stitches after the bite had to be applied.

The fate of the aggressive dog, unfortunately, was sealed. After the attack, he was caught by the officers for trapping animals and put to sleep.

It seems that people should seriously look at cats, who despite everything, are ready to "rip" anyone who decides to commit an attempt on the life of their master.

Well, let's see a video about the brave cat entirely?