25 of the most terrible poisonous spiders on the planet

Many hate spiders. These eerie arthropods adore hiding in dark corners and weave weird cobwebs, which can be very difficult to clean.

Of course, four pairs of eyes and eight legs make these "neskladushek" a little funny, but no matter how ridiculous they did not look, to see them in the immediate vicinity of themselves very few people want. And if a multi-legged creature is also poisonous, even more so ...

1. The false black widow

One of the most dangerous spiders inhabiting England. The bite of a false black widow causes severe pain, swelling, nausea, and if it is not treated in time, gangrene may begin.

2. Six-Eyed Sand Spider

He is quite "modest" and hellishly dangerous. Fortunately, to people six-eyed sand spider tries not to approach, therefore it is infrequent to encounter it with bites. But medicine knows cases when arthropods caused people to lose their hands. And I must say, this is still a successful outcome, because the antidote for the six-eyed "modest" has not yet been invented.

3. Red catipo

His homeland is New Zealand. Only females of red katipo bite, but their bites are not fatal, they are rather simply unpleasant. Spider venom causes fever, abdominal cramps, sweating, trembling.

4. Brown hermit spider

They live in the USA. After the bite of the brown hermit spider, its victim experiences fever, itching, cramps, nausea, severe pain in the muscles. In rare cases, tissue necrosis may develop.

5. Spider-tramp

For a long time it was believed that their bites are deadly. But not so long ago, scientists found out that in fact the poison of spiders-vagabonds only causes swelling, muscle contractions and redness. Pleasant little, but all these symptoms disappear within a few hours.

6. Tarantula

Despite the spooky appearance, these spiders are quite harmless. The poison of the tarantula causes soreness, and when touched with hairs on the paws on the skin, irritation may start. But if a person does not have allergies, the symptoms will quickly pass.

7. The Great Steatode

This spider is also not deadly. Its poison is similar in many respects to aspen. As a rule, the bite does not cause complications. Only if there is an allergy.

8. Australian Widow

And this arthropod can kill - if you do not provide timely assistance to the victim. The antidote from the Australian widow was developed in 1956, since then it has been given out to about 250 people annually.

9. Black house spider

The bite of the black house spider is toxic, but not deadly. After it, you may experience pain, develop swelling, start nausea and vomiting.

10. The Black Widow

Their poison is 15 times more toxic than the poison of rattlesnakes. Only females bite. You can distinguish them from the red "watch" on the body.

11. Heyrakantium

The bite is accompanied by a fever, muscle pains and nausea, but it does not kill.

12. Spider Tarantula

It belongs to the genus of tarantulas. Poultry eaters have been discovered relatively recently in Sri Lanka. These spiders have a rather unpleasant appearance, but the poison in them is not enough to kill a person - only to destroy birds, mice, small lizards.

13. Sydney Leukopaustin Spider

This arthropod is found in Australia. Its poison can kill a person in 15 minutes. Fortunately, there is an antidote against it. The main thing is to take it in time.

14. The spider kenenizide

They are often confused with Sydney leukopautin spiders. But these "animals" rarely bite, and if they attack, they do almost no harm. The most terrible thing in the bite of the kenyzid spider is pain.

15. The Brown Widow

As a rule, after her bite, the state of health does not deteriorate much. But sometimes the poison of brown widows causes muscle spasms, headaches, nausea.

16. Missoula

Most spiders of this species - regardless of gender - have very big canines. Almost all individuals are aggressive. Fortunately, their poison is not dangerous and causes only unpleasant symptoms.

17. Chilean hermit spider

Death as a result of a bite of a Chilean hermit spider comes very, very rarely. But he can cause strong irritations and death of skin cells.

18. Spider-wolf

And the name, and kind of this spider scares, but in fact the arthropod is not so dangerous. The most terrible thing that can happen after his bite is irritation. However, some victims have to go to hospitals with an allergic reaction.

19. The Norwegian Woody Spider

This is a relative of the Sydney leukopausal spider, and he is also quite dangerous. Live Norwegian spiders on trees in a wooded area.

20. Bishop's Widow

Lives in Florida. After biting the widow of Bishop, a person may begin to have spasms. Fortunately, such spiders try to avoid people and rarely attack them.

21. The tiger wandering spider

Looks like a Brazilian wandering spider. In addition to other symptoms, the "monster" bite causes severe pain.

22. Tagenaria home

In rare cases, the spider bite causes severe headache and vomiting.

23. Krawshay

Inhabited in Africa, kravshay is very similar to a tarantula. His bite becomes the cause of vomiting, shock, difficulty in walking.

24. Spider-trot

They can jump and spit with poison. Although spider-trot and not deadly, from their bite may begin swelling, which sometimes reaches 25 cm in diameter.

And yes, you read correctly: these arthropods know how to jump.

25. Brazilian Traveling Spider

This is the most poisonous spider in the world, so it's better to avoid meeting him. Fortunately, only Brazilian spiders live in South America.