When to collect garlic planted in the spring?

It is very difficult, if not impossible, to imagine our kitchen without an acute garlic note. Due to the bright taste and weight of useful properties, garlic finds its application not only in cooking, but also in folk medicine. In severe sljakotno-influenza periods it helps to resist under a pressure of viruses and bacteria. Winter storage is suitable only for spring garlic , and only if the time for cleaning it was chosen correctly. When we collect garlic planted in spring, our article will tell.

Terms for the ripening of spring garlic

Planted in spring garlic usually ripens in 120-125 days after emergence. Of course, much depends on weather conditions and landing time, but on average, the time for its collection comes in mid-August. Signal for the beginning of harvesting works is yellowing and lodging of leaves. Make sure that the time to dig the spring garlic really came, a simple test will help: you need to scrape the ground from two or three bulbs and inspect the condition of the peel. If the peel is dense and dry, then it is necessary to proceed immediately to harvesting. Leaving the ripened garlic in the ground is not worth it, as this leads to the cracking of the bulbs and a significant deterioration in their shelf life.

When to dig spring garlic?

For pickling garlic (as, indeed, other bulbous cultures) it is best to choose a clear, but not very hot day. And even better to plan these works in the evening. The fact that garlic heads long contact with hot sun rays will not do good - the skin will quickly dry up and lose the lion's share of its protective functions. Digged garlic from the ground is recommended as soon as possible to expand in the shade or under a canopy to dry. After 3-5 days of drying, the stalk and roots of garlic are shortened, leaving the tails at 5-10 cm, after which the garlic can be cured for winter storage.