Yellow watermelon

Many popular vegetables and fruits are of different colors, even when they are ripe. Ask any watermelon lover: are they yellow? In most cases, you will get a negative answer. Until recently, it was really so, but breeders know how to create the impossible.

Do you want to surprise your guests? Then treat them with a yellow watermelon. From above it looks like the usual red of its kind, but inside it has a flesh of bright yellow color. Received such an unusual fruit by crossing the well-known edible red watermelon and wild non-edible yellow brother.

Characteristic features of watermelon with yellow flesh

In appearance, the difference from ordinary watermelon can be only in a darker green color and weakly expressed bands, and that is not always the case. You can also find fully yellow varieties of watermelons (inside and outside). The color of the pulp affects its taste. It is not such a sugar, but very useful for health.

The yellow color of the watermelon root is attached to carotenoids, while they have a good effect on the intercellular exchange. In addition, it contains a large number of useful elements, positively affecting various human organs:

In addition, yellow pulp has folic acid, B vitamins, potassium, magnesium. Due to this composition, the use of this fruit has a beneficial effect on the heart, blood vessels, endocrine glands, and also improves the overall health, since the body cleanses from harmful substances (toxins, toxins and other toxic substances).

Many believe that the yellow watermelon grows pitted, but it is not always so. They are, but either their insignificant quantity, or they are not noticeable, as they mature later than the juicy interior of the berry.

Where does the yellow watermelon grow?

His cultivation has long been engaged in Spain, Egypt, Greece and Thailand. In European countries, in the summer season, watermelons with yellow flesh are round in shape, and in Asian - in oblong and in winter. This unusual berry is very popular in the East, especially in China. In addition to the beneficial properties of this contributes to the color of pulp, as in these countries it is believed that yellow attracts wealth.

They brought yellow inside a watermelon and in Russia - this is a sort of "Lunny". It tastes like a mixture of several fruits (melons, avocados, lemons) and more sweet than those grown in other countries. The largest plantations with this unusual berry are in Astrakhan, and also can be found in the Krasnodar Territory and in the Kuban.

When buying a large yellow berries should act as well as when choosing a traditional watermelon:

The optimal parameters for a yellow watermelon is 5 kg and the size is slightly larger than a soccer ball.

You can use this watermelon as a dessert not only in fresh form, but also in jam, sorbets or cocktails.

The cost of an unusual berry is much higher than an ordinary watermelon (about 2 times), so in order to obtain greater benefits, unscrupulous gardeners use nitrates during cultivation, so it is recommended that they be purchased only in places where there are quality certificates.