Pansies - growing from seeds, when to plant and how to care for seedlings?

Nobody will be left indifferent to pansies, growing from seeds, when planted - this information is useful to gardeners who like this delicate flower. The plant is grassy, ​​attracts a variety of colors. The most famous is the viola tri-color, the top of its petals is violet, the middle is amber, the bottom is white or yellowish.

Pansies - growing from seeds

Growing pansies easily, they are not capricious. The flower is seeded with seeds, planted them recommended on an open area or on seedlings. To collect the seeds you need to pick up a powerful specimen and wait until the boxes with the grains turn yellow. It is important to stock up the seeds until they wake up on the ground when flailing the pods. At the same time, there is a chance to prepare seed from the cultures of the coloring and variety you like. Pansies grow normally in the shade and in the sun. Viola is best planted where the bright light illuminates it only a part of the day.

How to grow pansies from the seeds in an open area:

  1. When grounding, furrows 0.5 cm wide with a distance between rows of 2 cm are made, they are spilled with water.
  2. Seeds should be planted every 2 cm (best done with a small sheet of paper), they are covered with a moistened substrate and the soil is slightly primed.
  3. The sowing is protected with a film, periodically aired.
  4. With the emergence of seedlings and pecking the first pair of real leaves, the seedlings are dived, truncating the main root by one-third, are planted according to the 25x25 cm pattern.
  5. The subsequent care consists in loosening the soil and watering.
  6. Before flower budding, the flower should be better fertilized - pour with dissolved nitrophase - onto a bucket of 1 tbsp. spoon of the composition.
  7. For the winter, seedlings are covered with spruce branches.

When to sow pansies for seedlings?

Sowing pansies when growing from seeds, when planted - the solution to these issues is due to when you want to see the first flowers. Experts recommend to cultivate the violet as an annual or biennial - so it has the most attractive appearance and lush bloom. Sowing pansies for seedlings - how to calculate the time:

  1. I want to bloom in the same year in June-July - it is recommended to plant seeds in January-February for seedlings.
  2. Pansies - growing from seeds, when planted for early spring blooming in the second year: planting should be carried out in open ground in June. They will winter and in early spring in April they will start blooming.
  3. If you plant in the ground earlier - in May, then the buds will dissolve in autumn.

Germination of seeds of pansies

To increase the germination energy, the seeds of the pansy flowers on the day before being soaked are soaked in a solution of the growth biostimulant " Epin ". The product gives energy sprouts and also performs disinfecting functions. Additional resistance to diseases will help to give a 20-minute placement of seeds in a solution of burgundy manganese tone. It is useful to soak them in a solution of ash wood: 1 tbsp. Spoon the product in a liter of water and leave the seeds in the composition for 2 hours. Sprouting seeds before sowing is not necessary - they are very small and well rooted in the soil.

Seedlings of pansies at home

When cultivating pansies, growing seedlings from seeds will allow the budding start to accelerate. For sowing, boxes are selected shallow and acquire a purchased primer for violets. You can independently prepare a substrate from 1 part of garden soil, 1 share of sand and 0.5 share of humus or peat. The ground before planting is steamed in a water bath and spilled with a fungicide to destroy pathogens and weeds. In the form of a disinfectant, a dark solution of the magglottine is suitable.

How to plant pansies on seedlings?

Planting pansies for sprouts:

  1. The simplest version of the graze is to spread the seeds over the soil into containers and put them in a dark place at a temperature of + 20-22 ° C.
  2. Seedlings covered with a film and every day for 10 minutes air. Sprinkle crops with a small spray.

How many days do seeds of pansies pop up?

On the question how many seeds of pansy seeds rise, experienced flower growers respond - if the crop is made with high-quality material, then after 1-2 weeks the seedlings will rise. Sometimes (depending on the grade and quality of the seeds) germination may last 3-4 weeks. Before they are better covered with a dark, dense bag for garbage - seeds like to rise in the dark.

Pikirovanie pansies

Boxes with green shoots are placed on an illuminated window. When growing the initial 7 days of seedling accustom to the air. To do this every day, increase the cycle of its open location from 10 minutes to 5-6 hours, then sheltering from the seedlings can be removed. Watering is performed when the top layer dries. When diving pansies after sprouting:

  1. When 2-3 of these leaves appear, the seedlings are dived in isolated containers or a common box according to the scheme 5x5 cm.
  2. When picks, young plants are buried to the cotyledons.
  3. When growing a viola, when there are 6 leaves on young shoots, the top of the central stem is pricked, so that the violets form a lush bush.
  4. Feed the viola every 2 weeks with fertilizer for seedlings, monitor the moisture content of the substrate in the pots.

With quality care in a month (by the end of May), the viola blooms and is ready for planting in the garden. Before transplanting sprouts on an open site they are quenched. For this, the seedlings are placed under the sun's rays, start from hour to day and increase the time daily for an hour. The scheme for planting pansies in the flower garden - 20x20 cm. Care for pansies:

  1. For generous flowering, the plant needs frequent watering, especially in hot weather. After moistening, the bush should be better covered .
  2. It has a beneficial effect on the development of the mineral fertilizer with mineral make-up, such as nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus. It is advisable to start to fertilize flowers 2 weeks after planting with a solution of ammonium nitrate or superphosphate at the rate of 20-40 g per 1 m 2 .
  3. The dried flowers and leaves of the viola must be removed. If you realize these simple requirements, then a bright carpet will please the eye to frost.