Stamped lilac

Lilac belongs to those plants that pleases the eye and inspires, gives pleasure from the fragrance, amazes with a variety of shades and inflorescences. And more often people grow on their plots or just at the entrances of houses a shamrock lilac . It is convenient, beautiful and accessible to all.

What is good about a lilac in a mold?

The main problem of growing lilacs is that the varietal lilacs are not easy to acquire. Most often we are offered vaccinated, from which in the end, without end and edge will go wild shoots, unsuitable for reproduction and delivering a lot of trouble with pruning.

Therefore, the stamping lilac is the most convenient in care, especially since one or more varietal varieties can be planted with 3 or more varieties in order to enjoy inflorescences of different colors and flowering in the future.

Stamped lilac - planting and care

To get a beautiful lilac tree, it is necessary early in the spring, immediately after the snow falls, to choose in the lilac shoot a shoot that grew to a height of more than a meter and cut its roots by a square of 20x20 cm. The remaining shoots in the nearest space should be removed with a pruner, deepening it into the ground.

When the shoot begins to sap flow, it is time to plant the stem of varietal lilac. On the stock you need to pluck all the kidneys, except 3-4 for the subsequent vaccination of other varieties. Another 1-2 varieties can be planted on the same stem.

At the end of summer, the plant should be carefully excavated with forks together with an earthen lump. All growing under the ground shoots need to be pulled out and cut, trying not to destroy the earth lump and not to damage the small roots.

Planted lime filed in a weed-free and deeply dug up land. Roots are sprinkled with a 10-centimeter layer of peat or old humus. The distance between the plants should be at least half a meter. To the roots are not intertwined, they are trimmed with slate slate sheets.

The subsequent care for the lilac is based on the mulching of the stump with sawdust, loosening, and the destruction of weeds. It is also necessary to carry out pruning pruning. Flower brushes appear on freely located and well-illuminated annual increments. Therefore, we need to achieve their appearance in sufficient numbers.

The first two years after transplanting around the tree there is practically no root shoot. When it appears, you need to remove it with a pruner in time to keep the orchard and its stamping plant ornamental.