Cucumber pests

It is very important to conduct pest control on their sites correctly and in time, as they significantly reduce crop yields. And processing of cucumbers from pests is an integral part of garden and garden works, if you want to eventually get a quality and rich harvest.

Even at the stage of preparing the seeds for planting, it is already possible and necessary to take a number of preventive measures, so that the pests of cucumbers are either not completely or the damage is minimal.

Prevention of diseases and pests of cucumbers

If you take into account a few tips on prevention, then you can really save not only the quantity of the crop, but also its quality. So, what are the warning measures:

Insects - pests of cucumbers

Many gardeners are interested in what pests are in cucumbers, how to recognize them and how to deal with them correctly. We will consider the main of them and tell you about the methods of combating them:

    1. Melon aphids . It refers to pests on cucumbers in the open ground. It occurs quite often. These insects are very small, located on the underside of the leaf and very harmful to the plant. They attack the ovaries, flowers and even the fruits of the cucumber. From their activity, the leaves fall off from the plants, the flowers wilt, respectively, the yield decreases. And if rains fall during the activity period, then it is unlikely to save their crops.

    Methods of struggle:

2. Spider mite . It settles on the bottom of the leaf, feeds on its greenery. These pests attack mainly cucumbers in the greenhouse. Especially dangerous in the heat, because in this case the number of individuals increases dramatically. The insect braids the leaves with a small cobweb, sucks the juices and thus destroys entire beds.

Methods of struggle:

3. Slugs . Mainly lead an active lifestyle at night, devouring greens and cucumber fruits. In addition, spoil the harvest with its black traces and droppings.

Methods of struggle:

4. Whitefly . The danger is represented by the larvae, which suck the juice from the plants and cause the development of the black mushroom on the leaves of the cucumber.

Methods of struggle: