Social philosophy and social types of personality in philosophy

Social philosophy is a science that considers not only the relations of society with the surrounding world, but also the characteristic manifestations of people's behavior. It is only about society in all its multifacetedness, the designation of social types of personality helps the work of psychologists in various fields of activity.

What is "social philosophy"?

Social philosophy is a branch of science that answers the question of what a society is, and what place is defined in it to a person, what patterns can be traced, and how the society develops from the position of the system. This science took shape in the Ancient World, but in different epoch received several names:

Therefore, finally, as an independent science, crystallized only in the 19th century, the term "social philosophy" was first introduced by the Frenchman Auguste Cohn. If society is represented as a link between people in such manifestations as money, language, state and family, the main issues that this science solves are formulated as:

  1. Interaction between society and man.
  2. Influence of the individual on society.

Functions of social philosophy

Social philosophy has always sought to explain and understand the joint life of people, to present a complete picture of the world, society and personality. This science is used when it is necessary to find a way out of the crisis, and new ideas are needed. Scientists note that social being in philosophy retains a particularly important role, since it considers the structure of society - family, collective, personality, and political, spiritual, material aspects, characteristic of the country as a whole.

The social role of philosophy is determined by five functions:

  1. Cognitive . He studies how social consciousness and being are connected.
  2. Diagnostic . Analyzes the options for the development of society.
  3. Prognostic . Develops schemes of future possible contradictions and conflicts in society.
  4. Educational . Offers topics for studying scientists and students.
  5. Projective . Develops projects for changing reality within the interests of a specific group or nation.

Methods of social philosophy

Modern approaches in social philosophy have helped researchers to determine not only the schemes of possible development of complex political situations, but also crystallize types of personality. This approach is very helpful to psychologists and analysts in individual and collective work with people. Today such basic methods are formulated:

  1. Enabled monitoring . The researcher is being introduced into the collective, as one of the employees or activists of the movement, to make up an internal picture. Less: it is impossible to influence the course of the process.
  2. Social experiment . The study of the object in specially created conditions. Plus: you can repeat the situation many times for the purity of the experiment. Less: a rigid exception of trial and error methods. It also includes modeling the situation when the object is unavailable or the situation is only predicted.

Social types of personality in philosophy

Philosophical theories have made it possible to define several social types of personality . Science considers two positions: on the principle of social activity and on the principle of dependence of man on freedom. The first position represents types:

  1. The figures . People with multifaceted abilities, for whom the interests of society - in the first place.
  2. Intellectuals . People of free creativity are constantly in search of methods to improve the world.
  3. Aesthetes . Representatives of art who are keenly aware of all facets of reality.
  4. Humanists . Compassionate, determined to save society from negative manifestations.

The second position considers such options:

  1. Dependent on the requirements of society , a vivid example is the collectivization of the 20th century.
  2. Dependent on personal obligations to relatives or society.
  3. Free personality . Acts without regard for any rules and stereotypes.


The person in social philosophy is considered still by the model of behavior, one of them is a collectivist. It is a personality that can not exist without a collective, they need to always be in the center of events. They have charisma, strongly expressed collectivists are very much appreciated in social groups, because:

The individualist

An individualist in a collective is a common phenomenon, such a person can work in a group, but at the same time keeps himself on his own. Often people are talented, but single people, it all depends on the degree of isolation. Their activities will be useful for society if:


There is another type of personality, characteristic for any society - a solidarist. The solidarist personality in social philosophy is a kind of symbiosis between the collectivist and the individualist. They are also called philistines - types who try to live in the moderate middle. Characteristic features of such personalities: