Punctuality is good or bad and develop in itself punctuality?

Punctuality has always been valued in society and has become one of the important parameters by which people are judged: when hiring, holding important business meetings and negotiations, and can be regarded as a sign of people's reliability and respect for others.

What is punctuality?

In the era of rapid everyday changes, when the day is full of various events and affairs, it is often difficult to adhere to a rigid schedule and finish the meeting on time to catch another. Punctuality (from Latin punctum - point) is the quality of a person, expressed in the ability to be everywhere in time, accurately in time. You can say that this is a kind of talent, and not all of this is obtained with all the desire and desire.

What is the punctuality of a person?

Punctual man strive to follow instructions and rules. Punctuality should be in everything and always. In the study of punctuality as a personality trait , the following components of punctuality come to the fore:

Punctuality - good or bad?

A punctual person is a person who, in time, becomes "you". Such people cause trust and sympathy of others. If we imagine a situation when a meeting is planned, even if not with a business partner, but with a best friend, his delay causes mixed feelings of experience that "suddenly what happened" and an equally strong feeling of irritation when forced to wait. Punctuality is good in reasonable limits and is an indicator of caring for yourself and others, but there is another, opposite side of punctuality:

  1. Excessively punctual person falls into different extremes, becomes boring. Closely and colleagues of such a person suffer greatly from the manifestation of the tediousness, which, in time, is aggravated into a kind of despotism: "Everyone must go to bed at 22.00 and not a minute later!"
  2. "Punctual" on punctuality people require the same careful follow-up of time and commitment from others. And if, such a boss comes to work by 7.30, then subordinates should be at this time at work. Minor delays are punishable by a fine or moral instructions in the presence of other employees.
  3. The hyperopia of "too" punctual people can lead to neuroses.

Rules for punctuality

Accuracy and punctuality overlapping concepts. A punctual person is a person who carefully and accurately relate to the categories of time: urgently, on time, in so-and-so, exactly in a month. The timer and organizer of such a person is dotted with notations, with which he checks several times a day. Rules of the punctual person:

  1. List of important meetings and cases to view from the evening, tuning to be everywhere at the appointed time.
  2. Making a clear temporary rule for the day: certain time intervals for carrying out a case (for example, charging at 7.05 to 7.20) and try to strictly adhere to this schedule.
  3. The next day's clothes are prepared from the evening, as well as with important documents necessary for the work.
  4. When planning cases, it is time to consider with a small "margin".
  5. Always remember that someone else's time is no less valuable, and another person, going to a meeting, could do other important things, but he chose this meeting - it's important not to forget about it.

Punctuality in work

Punctuality and business, which unites these concepts, can be seen by the way very busy business people, managers constantly look at their watches. Time is money. In the most compressed or limited time, it is important to meet, evaluate a partner, talk and conclude or not to conclude a deal, a contract. Punctuality is one of the most important components of a successful business or enterprise. Delays are a bad form among business people and the reputation of an unessential person is forever laggard guaranteed.

How to develop a punctuality?

Punctuality is a useful social tool and skill that you can earn by setting yourself such a goal. General recommendations how to become punctual:

  1. Take the time under control. Buy beautiful, stylish watches. The very wearing of the watch already disciplines the person and makes you look at the dial more often.
  2. The first time to translate the hands of the clock for 10-15 minutes ahead, but be guided by this time as a real one.
  3. A non-punctual person is a lazy person without meaning and interest, here the task is to show an interest in business, work.
  4. Daily practice on "feeling" of time. Take a certain period of 5 minutes - 1 hour and internally feel the end of the border. Exercise over time helps to determine the exact time without reliance on the clock.

Punctuality in the Bible

Punctual man is pleasing to God, believers believe. Many rites and holidays occur at a certain time. Reading of some prayers should be made strictly on time, as well as observance of sacraments, fasts. God is punctual, and keeps his word when he announces to Noah that in seven days he will shed shattering downpours on earth for forty days. A punctuality of Noah helps him complete the construction of the ark in time, in which he and his family were saved, animals and plants were preserved. This lesson from the Bible teaches an important thing - punctuality can save lives.