How to get rid of selfishness?

If you often hear accusations of selfishness, and wondered how to deal with an offensive diagnosis, then you should read our article.

What are the types of selfishness?

To begin with, let's understand what is human egoism, and why this important quality for us sometimes turns into a category of shortcomings. Egoism is the desire to benefit from everything, regardless of the interests of even close people.

In fact, selfishness does not make our life better, on the contrary, it often prevents us from living.

So, for example, excessive egoism in the relationship suggests that a person is morally not ready to build the interests of the family in the rank of his own. And he will only lead to the fact that family life will be poisoned with quarrels and reproaches. Female egoism is often expressed in a girl's unwillingness to accept that a man sometimes has to be alone . Remoteness, we perceive, as cooling feelings, while for men it is natural - to wait out a storm of emotions, without straining your soul mate. Male egoism is often expressed in the fact that a man does not want to lose his freedom. And women's attention signs recognize, as a matter of course. Who will like it?

Parental egoism - when parents do not recognize in their children the right to dissent. That is, they do not see a person in them. Egoism is an old age - a return to childhood, when a person can not exert influence on the outside world, but his need for a sense of his own importance has not gone away. In general, any egoism, in fact - a testament to the fact that a person does not love himself enough and does not trust the world around him.

To get rid of what is called selfishness, practice quality such as empathy. In the end, the happiness of those around you depends on your own happiness. Perhaps it sounds a bit strange, but so natural! A lot of insults are not applied to us because of our bad luck, but because people are unhappy. If you step on the foot in the subway of a happy person, it is unlikely that it will spoil his mood. The more happy people around you, the more interesting it is to live. That is, you yourself are primarily interested in this. And that's where you can direct the main forces of selfishness, elevating it to the rank of virtue!