Pulse 100 beats per minute - what should I do?

Sometimes a person can notice that his heart beats faster than usual. Not everyone knows what to do when the pulse reaches 100 beats per minute. This condition is characterized by the audibility of a knock in the head, ears and often even in the chest. Causes may be very different. The future treatment depends on them.

What if the pulse is high - 100 beats per minute, and the pressure is normal?

Symptoms of the condition:

When the first signs of tachycardia appear, you need to stop and measure the pulse. If his level is raised - it is worthwhile to be alert, but do not panic. Drink a glass of cold water, sit down or even lie down. After a while, you can again measure your heartbeat. If it's okay, go on doing everyday things further.

What if the heart rate is 100 beats per minute, and rest does not help?

If the number of heart beats after rest does not decrease, you need to take advantage of special means for calming, which is in almost every home medicine cabinet. The most common are:

In addition, with increased heartbeat, fresh air is excellent. So if you feel bad at home - you need to open the windows right away. It is desirable that it was done by another person, and not by the patient himself.

Then you need to measure the pressure, because one of the reasons may be precisely its increase. If this is the case, you need to take a medicine that usually helps to reduce it.

If the pulse increases and no additional painful symptoms appear, most often it does not endanger the health. With such conditions, you can use drugs Anaprilin or Cordarone.