Skin rashes

Skin rashes are changes that occur on the mucous membranes and skin and are accompanied by itching, swelling, redness and scars of various colors, shapes and sizes. Their appearance may be a local reaction of the skin to an external stimulus. But most often such a rash is one of the signs of diseases.

Causes of skin rashes

The most common cause of skin rashes is infectious diseases. Appears rash when:

In such cases, in addition to rashes, there are other signs of diseases of an infectious nature. It can be:

Skin rashes can appear on the nerves after severe stress. Rash is one of the main symptoms of allergies to:

Skin rashes very often appear in diseases of the liver, diabetes, blood and blood vessels. They arise because of a decrease in the number or disruption of the functions of platelets that are involved in the process of blood coagulation, or because the permeability of the vesicles is impaired.

Types of skin rashes

There are several main types of skin rashes:

  1. Papula - a dense knot towering above the skin, has a pinkish-red hue. Their diameter does not exceed 3 cm, merged with other elements, they form large plaques, sometimes as large as a palm.
  2. A pustule is a vial with a cavity that is filled with pus. Surface pustules are localized around the hair follicle and are characterized by an inflamed rim around, and deep pustules are located in the lower layers of the epidermis and are large.
  3. A spot is a change in the skin tone that does not rise above its surface, which is limited by clear or slightly diffuse edges.
  4. A vial is an element of a rash with a cavity inside, which is filled with serous contents, sometimes it has impurities of blood. The vesicle can be mono- and multi-chambered and, if it is opened, ulcers or erosions remain on the skin.
  5. Roseola - a speck of pinkish-red to 5 mm in diameter, can have clear or slightly blurred borders, when pressed disappears.
  6. Bugorok - a rash located in deep layers of the skin, can have different shades and after the disappearance leaves deep scars or atrophy of the epidermis. The dimensions of the tubercles usually do not exceed 1 cm.
  7. Blister - the formation of a pink color of various forms, appears due to the edema of the papillary layer of the skin and disappears for several hours, leaving no trace behind.
  8. Node - an element with signs of infiltration, located in the dermal layer of the skin, has large dimensions and it breaks down during decay.
  9. Hemorrhage - small points of various forms that appear as a result of local hemorrhage.

Treatment of skin rashes

To treat skin rashes, you can use 1% cream with hydrocortisone. This remedy will reduce the appearance of the rash and eliminate the itching. Be sure to exclude substances that can irritate the skin or cause an allergic reaction - synthetic clothing, jewelry, perfume, washing powder cosmetics, deodorants. For hygienic procedures it is better to use baby soap.

If the skin rashes were caused by diabetes, infectious or other diseases, you need advice from an infectious disease specialist or dermatologist. Only a doctor can prescribe to you drugs that will remove such a rash and the root cause of its appearance.